Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Is it worth it? Does it live up to the claims?

Warning: This is gender biased unless you are one who will try ANYTHING, neverminding whether it was marketed to one gender or the other with the testing & result similarly leaning to ladies.

Yeah, you swarthy alpha dudes, you really WANT softer skin & longer eye lashes, don't you wish your skin was soft like mine? Don'cha? Mm hm, Don'cha?
If the suh-weet pink lettering is cool with you...

Let's get this started! ~

1. Nuface ~ Yup. Ha ha! It's a real thang. Guess what? It lives up to the claims, the hype. It really does all that the company claims it does, plus the myriad of attachments. Caveat ~ save yo'self some cheddar. Buy it on eBay, using the "make offer" feature.

2. Purity Cosmetics aka 100% Pure ~ After having been gifted some of these omygoodness fantastically effective facial treatments, the answer is ~ YES! ~ 
They absolutely live up to claims! The overnight retinol treatment is so good, it's an orgasm for your face. Just sayin. 
 In my experience, YES OH YES!

3. Revitalash & Revitabrow ~ Yes ~ Yes!! Having started using both in July 2017, I can say, YES! for me? They work! My eyelashes are, thicker as well as 1/2 inch long!
As one who has blonde hair, light green eyes, prior to this it was, butterfly kisses? 
No can do.
These eyelashes are long & thick enough to give serious butterfly kisses!
(Google it)
Also, my eyebrows have thickened & grown since using it! 
Yee - hah!
As mentioned before, buy it online.

4. Last one, I take the oath.
Biosil, Natures Bounty Hair Skin & Nails Gummies & Fish oil. This combo is a rad rockin' trio!

Believing in
Taking care of the skin
There is no room for guilt
Judge as thou wilt
Being the best me
Sets the happy inside

There are so many other self care practices I have adopted.
Keep It Basic Bitch

I just now, made that up!!

Feel free to use it as long as you include me in the credits of your block buster film which you write as well as co-produce.
(Just a lark...kinda, sortof.)

In as much seriousness as I can, in unselfishness, produce, there are so many ways a person, can attend to their health, their skin, their spiritual wellbeing. 
It would be easy to list 200 or more self care practices of my every day, constant, daily practices,which it's a clear benefit to wellbeing.

The desire of this simple girl from a small town, is to do good


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