Thursday, November 2, 2017

Dress UP!

I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world, you can comb my hair, undress me everywhere.......

Umm, hello there!

Since I received my first Barbie doll at age 5, I have loved Barbie! 
Say what you will about body image issues, impossible standards, etc., etc., etc. Talk to the screen, LOL!

Yes, I still have an original Barbie doll, with her original box. Also, many others that I can't seem to part with. 
Shhhhhh!  😁

In early memories, I was fascinated by the high heeled shoes for the doll. Captivated by the silky stockings to put on her, already very shapely, legs!

So, I will accredit my love for silk stocking, garter belts & 5" - 7" heels to BARBIE!

When I hear the buzz about the pain of wearing high heels, the drama over hating stockings, sorry ladies! I love 'em!

Anyone who is in pain from wearing heels isn't doing it right. There's a method ~ I have it perfected!

At any chance I can get, I will get my soft blouses, silky skirts, silken dresses, stockings & rock them. I love love love any occasion to get dressed up.
Love being a girly girl in girly clothes.

When I'm wearing heels, my 5'3" height, goes to 5'8" at a minimum. It's almost a bit of a power trip to suddenly be taller. The air, at a higher level feels different, my legs feel like wings, it's the heel life!

Well, that's how it feels, anyway.

In the day to day, I'm in yoga pants & T-Shirts. Every day. In my heart, I long for Prince Charming to say, 
"Hey, can I take you out to a nice place, tonight, so you can get dressed in your stocking, heels and a short skirt?"


"Why, yassir, you most certainly can. "

Oh, be still, my palpitating heart!

During one of my many house moving episodes, since moving to Texas, one of the guys helping me, made a comment that stuck with me.
He said, "You sure do have a lot of fancy shoes & clothes."

What I longed to tell him is that I had an altogether different life before moving to Texas in 2012.

I Had:

~ Clothes from when I was the wife of a senior NCO USAF.
~ Business suits from my catering business & consultations.
~ Church dresses from when I went to church regularly.
~ Clothes that guys, who I dated, bought for me as gifts.
~ Clothes that were too big from when I was, well, bigger!

Since moving to Texas, I have gotten rid of 3/4 of the clothing I brought with me. A whole new me had to have smaller clothing. So much of it had become so baggy on me, it was almost uncomfortable to wear, any longer. I donated a lot of it, sold 1/2 the shoes I brought with me.


Most of my clothes are gym clothes, I do love my workout wear! 
Yet, I still long to get dressed in skirts & heels at every opportunity.
Maybe, once a girly girl, always a girly girl?

This definitely applies to me.

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