Monday, November 13, 2017

How Much *Integrity?

The dictionary definition makes it sound so simple, yet, putting it into practice can be challenging for anyone & everyone at times.

*Integrity : The quality of being honest (as well as truthful). Having (as well as adhering to)strong moral principles. Having moral uprightness.

When you have a high level of integrity, you will know it. When you don't, well ___________. (fill in the blank!)

Even when a person has high integrity, there are those who will make up lies or "stretch the truth" a little about them.

It's important to know the rules in order to know how to properly break them. ~ 
His holiness The 14th Dalai Lama 

Yupp. Ha Ha.

I have been the brunt of this sort of nay-saying in the past as well as a lil bit in present day.

People should stop to consider the damage they may be causing before they gossip about another person. 

Truth or lies, the damage is the same.

Currently, I live in a small town where people are so bored with their lives, they will grab onto almost anything with even a hint of titillation, to gossip about. It gives them a thrill, a slight charge of electricity.
Kinda like sniffing paint, putting their tongue on a battery. It's a momentary charge, a cheap thrill. I'm sure there are some people, children, teenagers, adult age people,  in this town who even do that.
The level of boredom can stoop that low, so can the people.

My spidey sense is quite keen. I know when I'm being gossiped about, looked at in an accusatory way. My gut instinct tells me. Having learned to trust it, I know what it feels like as well as what it's telling me.

I felt it, today!

Gossip is akin to grabbing a handful of feathers, then releasing them in front of an electric fan on the high setting. The feathers, just like the damning words said, will spread quickly with it being impossible to ever gather them up, again.

Integrity is something I believe I have. Far, way far from being perfect, I have made as well as will continue to make mistakes. With that said, trying to do the right thing is something I strive for.

Getting accused of doing things I have not done is also a part of my life experience.

If gossip is to be believed, in this small town, I'm quite an evil person. 
The fact that very few people know me, having only lived here 5 years, no family, of course people will gossip about me while others will believe the gossip, then, spread it further. To this end, people who have never met me, don't know me, never will know me. The vicious gossip will have preceded me.

Welcome to small town, USA!

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