Friday, November 3, 2017

Being Single & Dating 2017


Of course there are horror stories of dating out there in singledom ~ that is ~ the single kingdom. 😇

As one who mostly focuses on the positive, I have some fun insights into the raison d'etre as a single girl.

Cheating seems to be pandemic out there. I hear it, see it & have witnessed it first hand. It's something I , personally have a failure to understand. If you're unhappy, unfulfilled or have unmet needs, get out of one situation before getting into another. The pain, confusion & damage done is very karmic.
Cheating has more to do with the cheater than it does to do with the one who is cheated on.

If you think I'm going to do some cheater shaming, you will be disappointed. Positivism is better.

My views of dating are, most likely, outside of the mainstream.

Views such as:

~ Age is no barrier. As long as it's legal, I'm all in!
~ If he's even dating someone exclusively ~ No fly zone.
~ Having dated outside my own race, I prefer my own.
~ I'm straight, strictly dickly
~ Casual sex is not for me at all
~ I care more about who he is, his heart and mind than his $$

So, having said that, it seems that I am a bit of a novelty out there in the single mingle climate.
All the time I see & hear the pain, the complaints about girls who are so materialistic, the girls who cheat on good guys.
It isn't me or any pov I espouse.

There is more to a person than their money, their possessions, their status. 

Part of my dating persona is that I'm genuine, I care. Sometimes, it seems I would be better off if I didn't care as much or as deeply. Yeah. It sux. I would rather be a genuine, caring person than I would to be a cold hearted, selfish u know what.

As the cliche' goes ~

Some girls are bitchy because they have been hurt too much.
Some girls are bitchy so they won't get hurt.

I think I'm somewhere outside of that demographic tyvm. :)

Dating is tricky, the challenge is to roll with it, be careful not to attach until you know if you're dealing with a player or not.

The key is to just have fun! 

Enjoy your life, if you don't have any hobbies, getcha some!

Get so far into your life & the enjoyment of it that whatever is meant to be, finds its' own way to ya!


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