Tuesday, November 21, 2017

In a Different World

If you're a single adult person out there, in the world, you will have experienced this truth.

The world can be a brutal place.

Filled with predatory people. 
These skilled & practiced people go about, extracting sex, money, attention, material things, from others for their own predatory satisfaction.
It's a dark, greedy selfishness, that comes from a well of deep pain, deep insecurity.

Perhaps this is why the myths of Kris Kringle, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, etc, are so dear to children's hearts. 

Also quite dear to the hearts of many adults.

These fabled figures only give, give, give. All they ask is that we conduct ourselves as benevolent as we can.

Just, be kind, be good, be unselfish. 

Oh, if only.

In that world, people only help people minus the ulterior motives. 
In that mindset, people are loving, kind, good to each other without the demands of sex, drugs & rock n roll as payment! :)

It calls to mind the music from one of my favorite movies.

Bear with me!

I love the part in fairy-tales
That's very near the end
When all the kingdom cheers for their new Queen
And all is well
And all is good
And everyone belongs
And happily they're ever after-ing

But when I enter the kingdom of dreams
And face the promise of all I can be
Will they see me as a heroine?
Tell me, will they let me in?


In my world, that is, my own mind, heart and spirit, the desire is only to be kind to others. To give a smile, to mend a heart, to cheer another who is in need of cheering.

With the lack of benevolence in the world, many are very wary, very suspicious of someone who is truly kind.
Many will worry that if they accept kindness, what will the price be? When will the payment request arrive?
At an inconvenient time, possibly?

This is the culture of fear that is life in 2017.

It is that way, yet, just because it is this way, it can be changed even if only in a subtle way, into something softer & gentler.

In my world, a different world, life can be a soft flowing silky sweetness. It can be kind, gentle, with a bit of an edginess!

Have to have humor, mischief, action! You know, thrown in for good measure.
Too much sweetness will nauseate, give toothaches!

In my world, I give love to myself (it has to come from somewhere).
In my world, it's LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! Hit the gym hard. Sweat like a pig to feel like a fox!
In my world, I wish to be the earth goddess, pouring out love, realizing that it's better to hold back, lest a predatory person seek to take advantage.
In my world there is beautiful music in the air.
There's the faint scent of lavender & jasmine wafting.
In my world, I realize that it's all fantasy, yet, beautiful, still.

If you seek to have love, beauty & fulfillment, you must create that world for yourself. 

There is no Prince Charming who will create beauty for you.
There is no Fairy Princess who will love you as you love her.


You have to be your own strength, your own love in your life. Anything else, anyone else will simply be the cherry on top.

Yupp! Ha ha! That's basically, it. 

In a different world
Love is in different doses
The melody in songs
A writer composes
It's happily sweet
With passion and joy
Makes you complete
In a permanent way
So, make your own happiness
Be your own compliment
Begin to make your world
Completely different!



(copy & paste...enjoy!!!!)

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