Friday, November 24, 2017

Just Be

How many times have you heard the discontent from someone?

The, "I wish my life was different" lament. I'll admit, I have  felt it, voiced it. That is, until I learned.

A close friend spoke to me of a book ~ 

Loving what is by Byron Katie

When she & her DH needed to get out of town for some couples time, I moved into her home for the long weekend to keep tabs on their home ........and their sons.
Having known their sons for all of their lives, I looked forward to it, really enjoyed it. They have great kiddos!

I found the book she had mentioned, it changed me in good ways!

Throughout the course of the days I was in their home, I took the guys swimming, kept their home tidy as well as read the whole book!

It was a game changer.

Loving what is, the book, snaked its' ideas, it's methodology into my psyche to change it in good ways.

You would have to read the book (now that you have the title & author, GO!) to get the whole enchilada of ideas. There are worksheets, workbooks.
It's often referred to as "The Work" aka "Do The Work"
In my opinion? It was more like pleasure than work! 

The work instructs to ask yourself 4 questions in any quandary.

1. Is it true?
2. Can you be absolutely sure it's true?
3.How do you react when you think that thought?
4. Who would you be without that thought?

Dangerous introspection!

Byron Katie says, "It's not the problem that causes our suffering, it's our thinking that causes our suffering."
She gives a new take on people trying to let go of a painful thought when really we have to allow the painful thought to let go of us!
(Oh, gawd, this sounds like a book review!)

The whole crux of the matter is to become a lover of reality.

What is.

Living in the moment.

Loving what we have, what is, what crosses your path in life.

The last time is was in the ocean, I captured a moment. The ocean because, I didn't have the opp to sky dive. Love that, too!
To set the scene, it was a sunny, warm day in Hawai'i (don't hate!). There were sea birds squawking, the salty water was warm, calm. I was wearing a hot pink bikini, so, nearly nekkid!

There's a feeling, whether sky diving or floating in a warm ocean, of just being. Not attached to earth, not attached to sky, just being.

Floating on the tide of time as a small part of something vast.

I swam out to where my feet couldn't touch bottom, then, just floating on my back. Capturing the moment of just being, I fixated that moment to refer to in future when life might get hinky (kinky is something else, I said hinky!)

In those uncomfortable moments, recalling peace is comfort.

In those times or trouble, finding that moment of bliss.

Then ~ 

Just Be!

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