Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Do you fear or avoid commitment?

I feared commitment in my teens and 20s. I could date exclusively, yet, was scared to "pull the trigger". aka get married, hitched, etc.

When I finally married, I was all in. 200%. While some people are only married, many are not necessarily committed to being loving, supportive & faithful no matter what they vowed to do.

Ex-huzz was only married, not committed to me. I had his happiness as my first priority while he also had his happiness as his first priority. That doesn't work or at least it doesn't keep working. The short-changed person will eventually decide that the marriage is unhealthy. There are 2 options.
1. The selfish person makes effort to change.
2. The short changed one has lost the desire to stay & leaves.

Since becoming single again, it seems as if I have come full circle. 

Loving my freedom after what seems, now, like an eternity in bondage, I value my freedom so much more.

While I COULD commit, again, it's rather low on my list of desires. There's so much more to life which I can accomplish without being shackled to a guy.

It would take someone who is an extraordinary guy in my opinion, not his own opinion of himself, to get me to commit & marry.
When a guy says the infamous words:
"I'm not looking for a serious relationship or a relationship."

This is what I hear:

"I don't want anything ongoing with YOU unless I can just get laid without commitment."

Quite sad when people see others as something to use to suit a need just like a can opener, a drink straw. So disposable.

I have chosen to refuse to be used by anyone.

Sincerity & genuine caring is, sadly, in short supply in today's world where people use other people & love things.

As a sincere, very genuine girl, I can choose what I do, others can choose what they do.

Recently a guy I went out for dinner with asked me a loaded question. He asked me, "What do you dream about?"

My answer was truthful.

"I dream about my favorite dog, Sammy. A huge black & tan 
Doberman. 125 lbs of pure love!"

Maybe, I'll commit to getting another dog, soon!

PS ~ Never saw nor heard from the guy, again. :)

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