Friday, March 31, 2017

You don't always get what you want (or who you want)!!!!

A conversation with a friend, today, made me think. Well, it's about time!

Being more concentrated on upping my game in fitness, I don't all. Sometimes going out for lunch or dinner with a guy friend is the whole extent of it. It's strictly platonic. As in, I would not do anything with him that I wouldn't do with my son.

That says it all right there.

As soon as I took on this attitude.....the guys were asking me out constantly. Guys are less clueless than many girls think they are. Please, correct me if I'm off base, here.
Guys enjoy a challenge, in my experience. If a girl seems unavailable, they can sense it & they come running!

Part of the conundrum is that the ones who want me are usually the ones I don't want for various reasons.

~ Married  or has a shack up honey or baby mama
~ No chemistry
~ Nothing in common
~ He doesn't work out (fitness is a huge part of my life)
~ I prefer white guys, end of discussion.
~ Tobacco user (YUCK!)
~ Heavy drinker or uses illegal substances
~ Nothing much to offer me as far as intelligence, conversation, sense of humor, willingness to try new things, negative attitude. 

Those are the characteristics that make a guy a deal breaker for me. Those are, unfortunately the possessors of the above categories who ask me out.

I won't waste their time & money or mine. Cruel to be kind!

Having been single since 2007, I am happy on my own. Knowing how to take care of myself serves me well. I know how to change the oil on my car, change a tire. I use my smarts and You Tube to accomplish that which I need to get done.

It's difficult for me to ask for help, even harder to accept help, so, if I ask for help it has to be a real need. This chik is capable!

When I really believed that the ex huzz was wrong when he said:

"After 4 babies, you're all used up. No man will ever want you, so, you have to stay with me."

I set out to prove him wrong.


He IS wrong, yet, after having my heart shattered for the final time in 2012,  I lost my patience & desire to have a guy in my life.
There are some really great guys out there, they are orbiting in some other hemisphere because they certainly aren't in mine.
I stopped dating. I started to REALLY devote myself to the one who gets me hot & sweaty, guaranteed, every time ~ 
I became that girl who doesn't give a firetruck! :)
(trying to keep this G-Rated!)

Love me, like me, hate me, be apathetic, it doesn't matter to me. I knock around in yoga pants & a T-shirt most days. My mind is on fitness & fitness is on my mind! It's all that matters to me.

There are so many things I would rather do that give so much more reward:

Working out!
Hanging out with Anita!
Trying new things!
Arriving & leaving as I please ~ no one tells me what to do!
Swimming laps!
Of course I still love needlework, yet, it takes a backseat to fitness!

I see these man-hater chiks who whine & pine that there are no good guys out there. So, before I turned into one of those with that sad & repulsive attitude, I got into my own life deeper.

It's not what I would have wanted for my life, yet, it's definitely what I need..........for now. :)

Stay tuned!

1 comment:


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...