Thursday, March 16, 2017

Is it sexy or scary?

Bravely going out on a limb, here, so, fore-warned is fair, riiiight?

Maybe there will be consequences for this or maybe it will be 

Being the shy girl, the quiet one, the scared one was who I was until going into the military. They woke the tigress, they trained the she-warrior, they brought out the confidence in me that was always there, unknown to me.
The T.I.'s, the military trainers.


Be that as it may, looks can be deceiving. In looks, I look like a small girl, rather innocent, rather naive, helpless, the fresh faced, blonde, green eyed, girl next door. All American!

Mmmm God Bless America!

In essence, I look like the ideal target for a stalker.

There is no man in my life to protect me, no lion at the gate. I take care of myself as I have been doing so for most of my life. Providing for my own needs, all needs.

Single girl, living alone, no family around, flying solo.

Stalkers love this!

It isn't sexy, it can be scary!

Shout out to my stalker! Double bird salute you SOB!

In Colorado, I had 3 of these nuisances. Combine that with the ex BF who sicked his cop buddies on me. Yeah, it can make ya a tad paranoid at times.

My stalker is back.


Letting him know that I'm not as helpless as he thinks. I'm a peaceful Yoga practicing lover, not a fighter.

I DO know how to fight, how to defend myself & can be just as vicious, just as fierce, do as much damage as necessary to get the job done!
If it's going to be them damaging me or the reverse, you can believe that I will fight as hard to be the victor as I possibly can.

Only thrice, has it been necessary to fight like this, yet, all 3 times, I was the victor.

Being anti-drama is a better way to live.

People create drama in their lives when they are bored with the status quo. Drama dudes & Drama chiks. 
Yupp. Ha ha!
Unfortunately, drama creation can favor both genders.

Drama is the opposite of peace, the opposite of confident, the opposite of happy. So, when I see someone who loves to create drama then enjoys their creation, walking away from it is kinda meh. Have to RUN!
Ha ha!
I'm smiling!

So, Mr. Stalker?

Tread carefully, foo!

You think you know who you're dealing with?

Just try me, cash me oussid!


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