Thursday, July 4, 2019

When you hurt

Modern times are great! 
Personal preference?
Anything new. New technology? Yes, please!

Absence of metathesiophobia, here!

When people who graduated from school after I did, ask me if I text, if I know how to text. I keep a straight face & answer "yes".
On the inside, raucous laughter! Before texting was common, I taught people who were a few decades younger than me, HOW to text. So, yeah, I text.
When there is new music, groovy, baby!
The tech explosion has put the world accessible at a keystroke.

Order a pizza, a car, a piece of fine jewelry. Concert tickets! It's easy to spend yourself silly, tearing it up on Amazon & eBay!
The human condition, has altered very little. 
Even atychiphobia remains after thousands of years.

Along with many actions, conditions, are selfishness, deceit, curiosity, love of money, vanity, ego, the list can keep going.
Peeps ~ I'm a list maker!

Keep in mind, sil vous plait, I'm a girl, thus, can only speak from the perspective of a girl. Having only dwelt in the mind, body, spirit in the feminine form, it's my reference point.

Have you ever had your heart broken? (Sit, stay!)

I have.

Having had my heart broken too many times, I found it best to keep my heart unto myself. Maybe forever, maybe NOT forever. :)

This, I know, for certain. When a guy acts in ways which are hurtful to a girls heart, it changes her. The guy's actions shape how she will view the next guy who she interacts with, it also affects the next ones that follow.

Guys, getting butthurt is irrelevant, I can only share from a girls viewpoint. Calm your nuts.

When you hurt a girl, you change her attitude toward every guy she will come into contact with for a long time.

When you treat her kindly, even if the romantic liaison ends, this, also shapes her perceptions of the males around her.

When she is treated unkindly? OOOF!

It depends upon how many times she has been treated unkindly in those romantic interactions with guys.

Some girls believe it was their own inadequacies that killed it.

Some, see through the B.S. to believe it was half them, half him.
(Getting warmer!)

Still, others, who are devastated one too many times, are not sad or devastated, they are enraged, raging until the rage is gone.
In this scenario, if the guy simply sits down with the girl, face to face, has a conversation with her, which most guys are too unkind or cowardly to do, the girl's rage will dissipate ~ most often!

When a chickensh*t guy simply walks away, leaving her with no closure, a heart full of pain, quite often, she will do what she has to do to set her world right, to get that closure for herself.
In this case?
It ain't pretty!

A guy simply sitting down, face to face, a conversation, a good bye hug or handshake with out the "we can still be friends" lie, he is being mature. He is being kind. He's manning up.
A true gentleman.

GUYS! I know this is a difficult thing. It can be feels overload. It's such a simple act, yet, only a truly decent person, a real man, will do this. It's rare.

Sorry, guys, sending a female friend or guy friend as proxy will only exacerbate the situation. She will most likely get pissed off!
Rut roh raggy!
A woman scorned. JS.

If a person is going to get out there in the dating world, especially a male person, I would offer to you to keep these words in mind.

If you can be anything, be kind & show compassion.

Peace out!

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