Monday, July 29, 2019

Your Focus

As if it was yesterday, the memory of the sage advice I received, from my daughter, is as true, now, as it ever was.

She, in her wisdom, told me, "Shift your focus".

Oh, so very wise!!!!!!

Yes, Heather, it was you.

I named her. How very clever of me.

Standing by my truth, my conviction, it's a tenet of my personality. I can learn from everyone. Age is irrelevant. 
Distance is equally, so.

I have been messaging, off and on with Michael, since 2013.

He has given me, taught me so much, I am grateful.

Although our connection ended thrice, against my will. He has my gratitude for the lessons he taught me, the support he gave.
Although he chose that which I would never choose, he has my gratitude for the lessons I gleaned from the time we interacted.
I released him for the third as well as the final time.

Shifting my focus to a beloved flik, I watched Milo & Otis!

It was fun, childish, nostalgic. It caused me to LMOO!

As such, I was laughing for almost 2 hours!

"Gonna take a walk outside today, Gonna see what we can find, today!"

I only watched this because I no longer own The Mask or  have finished Downton Abbey, season 6!

Milo & Otis it was!

You might see, my dear readers, I refuse to be kept down for long.
Like the wee-buls of old, I may wobble at times, most often, I will bounce up. 
Happiness is a better choice as opposed to misery.

Tonight, when the guy who I had such attraction to, so much hope for, out of the blue, shut me down, I cried. Tears of disbelief, tears of shattered trust once again. I had never met him in person, yet, he was real to me...……….until he wasn't. OMFG it stung

I have been listening to as well as studying "The Body Code".

It makes sense yet, I'm still skeptical.


I'm going to Colorado for 2 months, during which, someone I care about will, most likely die. I love my friends. I want to help them in what they need. Coldorado (cold hearted people, cold weather).
Off I go!

It's sad to leave at this time.
It hurts like hades, for someone I care about to be so ill.

He has had a very very good life.

Still, I care about him very much.

One person enters my life, one will exit.

Who will you be?

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