Thursday, July 11, 2019

fire in the fox

Do you see what I did, there?

First, the fire.

The fire is more about creative passion. It can be about sexual energy, then, what to do with the other 23 hours, 45 minutes. :)

The FOX! OMG, the fox. The fox, rox! The fox knows things. Important things, frivolous things. Sad things, silly things. All kinds of useless as well as useful information.
Most of what the fox knows is left unsaid. A wise person knows when to tampa la boca!
I have to work more at staying silent than I do at being wise. A natural curiosity of everything is part of me. It has gotten me in trouble at times.
It has taken me on some awe inspiring adventures.

One of my personal favorites is to ask for what I want. To take the chance. Asking, as in, nothing ventured, nothing gained. The answer can be yes or the answer can be no. Simple.
Because I tend to receive yes more often than the other, I still ask if it's important to me.

It puts the fire in my life.

Some awe inspiringness ~

A Coyote Ugly T-shirt. Yes, I beat out some 20 somethings in a dancing on the bar competition. The prize was a free drink, I asked for a free T Shirt instead. I had a plan, executed the plan, won the contest, got the T Shirt, pissed off the losers!

Offered $1,900 for a car that had a blue book value of $6,000. The asking price was $4,000. I had the cash, laid 19 Ben Frankies.
It was a done deal. Yass! Love my car.

My fembud and I were at a P.F. Changs, one night. We were a bit cash poor. We had just enough for dinner, not enough for the $14. hefty slice of chocolate cake she was feening for.
There were 2 male pilots, very male, doing some heavy flirting with us. I told my fembud, "How much do you want that cake?"
She told me it didn't matter. 
Oh, but, it did!
I told her to flirt back with the guys.They motioned for us to join them.
The sperm chases the egg.
She motioned for the 2 guys to join us!
As they swaggered over, to join us, fembud was laughing her head off! One of the guys asked us if we would like to join them in their hotel after dinner. 
Sure, why not, sounds like a plan.
Then, I told them that my friend wanted the chocolate cake. The hotter one said, 
"Hell, we'll just pay for your dinner, drinks and cake!"
Cutting to the chase, they paid for everything. We were to follow them in fembuds car, conveniently made a right turn when they went left.
See what I did?
Read it again.
We headed for home laughing all the way.
We did, however, leave a very generous tip for the server.

So, having learned to ask for what I want & sometimes what a friend wants, I do so.

Don't be a dumb ass, be a fire fox!

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