Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Haves vs The Have Nots

There are distinctions between those who have "it" as well as those who don't. Those who have it are obvious. Sometimes it's obvious that someone is lacking in this area, sometimes they are in, fake it 'til you make it, mode. 
Most people cruise in  & out staying in it, letting up then giving it another go! 

What is "IT"?

Umm, nope, it's not a sexy scary clown, lol!

Motivation, peeps!


Mostly, I am self motivated. I have bought & sold a few times, worked out hard core, let up, paid the price, back at it again. I'm a few steps short of a super toned: skinny: fit: muscular fit guru. 

When I have visited other people or they have visited me, they know that fitness is a big part of my life. They will go to my workouts with me, remark that they feel motivated.
My visit ends, they stop exercising, working out. The peeps will remark that they lost between 10 - 25 lbs from the lasting effects of working out with me. Then, they go back to prior life habits they had before I visited them.

The major probb, here? Relying on external motivation.

Motivation, if it's to be effective, has to be personal. It must come from within. Every person must have their own motivation. When someone relies on others to motivate them, it's a temp fix. 
Fitness heroin, lol.
Unless you have the finances to pay someone to train you every time you train, you must develop then, maintain your own reasons to do anything. In this case, working out.

If you have a gym/health club membership or access to one, check out the classes. Group fitness is the next best thing to having a personal trainer. Group fitness can help with developing personal motivation. The teachers are very encouraging, forming friendships with the other people in the class can help.
Different classes for all size...……..lasses!

Having recently fallen off the fitness wagon, I got back on a month ago. A month ago, I dusted off my juicer, fired it up. Going back to Spin Class is painful. Pushing through the pain is essential. Spin Class can torch calories, gives a great sweat. Hurts the lady bits.
No worries!
I want this, want it bad.
Perseverance is essential.
Not faking it at all.
Making it! 

                                               Get to it!

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