Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Waiwai mai na mokupuni - Treasures from the islands.

The mountains I love. The Ko'o'laus on O'a'hu.

I hear the wind traveling down the Ko'o'laus. 
It touches my skin and makes me think of how
Much I miss you, my Hawai'i. 
I breathe the fragrance of a yellow ginger lei. 
I look inside myself and find the words to say
How much I miss you, 
My Hawai'i. 
Every time I stop to watch the moon 
Dance across the early evening sky. 
Every time I hear a country tune
I can see the shores of Wai'a'nae
Every time I listen to my heart
Telling me it longs to go back home
And it makes me want to
'Cause I miss you
My Hawa'i'i

~ Na Leo Pilimehana ~ I Miss You My Hawai'i

                If you local kine or kamaaina long time you know this. You might just love it!!!!!

The time spent in Hawai'i made a deep impression on me. It was a dream to go there, as something unfathomable. I was a shy, skinny girl from a small town in lower Michigan. The odds were very low.

In the beginning, it was where I fell in deep awe with the ocean, the music, the people, the food and yes, a local boy serving in the USAF.
Over time, the rhythms of hula, ocean tide, then, my first two sweet babies were born at Kapiolani Women's & Children's Hospital.

Hawai'i is a part of my soul, now. Maybe, Hawai'i is my soul mate?

I love my Ni'i'hau shells, love the Hawai'ian Quilts on my walls, love the priceless Diana Hansen Young painting, love the lilikoi jellies & mac nuts I bought in Stadium Swap Meet the last time I went to the islands, took my dear dear bff, Anita to show her the beauty of Hawai'i first hand. I was so happy to take her there as a beloved guest. She was so gracious, kind. Put up with me for 7 days!!!!!!

The greatest treasure carried in my heart is the feeling of ALOHA!

Wait, what?

What is it?

Aloha has many meanings!

Good bye

It's a feeling felt deeply inside the human heart
Everyone is family even when long time apart
Bumbai the ones who go mainland always return
The longing for da islands will forever burn
Heartbeat of Pele the rhythms of da kahili
Always echo in dreams so it stays with us really
The luckiest ones might get to go to Ni'ihau
Happy when you going go but sad time when pau
It's not just the scent of plumeria or huli huli chicken
It's these plus more that can make your pulse quicken
Lomi lomi salmon or papaya fresh from the tree
Free mangoes in da summah which really are not free
Da music oh da music of Na Leo and Kalapana
Stirs da buggah up and really makes da kane wanna
Everyone knows what everyone means wen talk of da kine
This connection with a glance is what makes island life fine
Swimming in the ocean or go surfing Mokapu
Aloha is the feeling that will always stay in you

If you Samungi ~

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