Monday, April 9, 2018


Her birth was inspired by a visit to me by an angel. In your wisdom, you can choose to view it as aerie fairie or you can open your thought processes to understanding.
Much easier to believe when it happens to you, up close, personal.

I remember it, baby oh baby, I remember the vision, the message, as if it was only a day ago. 
The message :
"The timing of the birth of your fourth child is important. She needs to be born, soon. The timing of her birth is important.

My reply:
"Lord, you know I love you. I have not yet delivered my third baby!"

The reply:
"Your fourth child needs to be born soon!"

My commitment:
"Lord, I will do as you have told me to do."

Please bear in mind, being only human, far from being perfect, in that phase of my life, doing the will of the Lord was my strongest desire.

When I was able to speak with the one who was my spouse at the time, he was less than convinced. Once my 3rd child & only son, was born, my spouse was self convinced that our family was complete.

The desire to be obedient to my Lord, my God was strong.

When my son was 10 months old, I found that I was 1 month gestation with my fourth baby.
Obedient to the Lord, fulfilling my role as mother of this child.

The pregnancy was easy, her birth was easy, serene.

She was right on time at 39 weeks. She was born on her daddys birthday, so tiny, perfectly healthy.

FFWD: 2018

She is so sweet so funny so smart
She has my love a place in my heart
Our relationship is so intense so sweet
She telephones me at least once per week
(I know that doesn't perfectly rhyme)
Her life perspective rarely matches with me
We simply have to agree to kindly disagree
(Having a "safety word" helps a lot!)
All in all I see this student of engineering
As wonderful, kind, as most often endearing.

My darling youngest daughter ( she's the youngest of 4 sweet babies) makes so much deliberate effort in all that she does.
Later on, in 2018, she will graduate from BYU with a degree in Mechanical Engineering! WOW!!!!!

The life with her wonderful husband, which she chooses to pursue,
will most likely be one that fulfills her, will positively impact the world.

Keep in mind,  she's 5' nothing.

Dynamite is in small, compact packages.

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