Friday, April 13, 2018

FB Forecast

A few trolls with a chance of judgement toward frenemies with some ignorance. Ageist attitude is present yet from personas non-gratis.

Michio Kaku is a brilliant physicist who quoted a few celebs plus a few equally intelligent minds as saying that the internet was going to connect people like never before.(This was 10 - 20 years ago.)

It has done that.

There's another aspect to it, though. As people have lost their civility, stopped teaching kindness & courtesy to their children, the worst side of many proliferates.

You probably know what this refers to.

Mmm hm. 

The ever present internet trolls. Their snarky, inappropriate rudeness toward people who they don't know much about yet passing way harsh judgment upon.
These trolls will cut others to the quick with age shaming, body shaming, social shaming. 

What can be done?

Well, these people who troll the internet on social media, video channels, message boards, are broadcasting their insecurity.
It is only they who can help themselves. It's their responsibility.

The only time one person should change or try to change another is when they are an infant with a dirty nappie. 😁

Again, what can be done?

There are many alternatives, here is one I use. Just as a stray animal will only keep coming 'round when it gets fed or some sort of attention, trolls will only keep trolling on the internet when fed.
When they get the attention they seek, the troll will keep trolling.

As a person who loves people, loves peace, enjoys being kind, I simply block the person. When they show their ignorance, their attention seeking rudeness, I simply walk away. The blocking feature is most helpful in such a circumstance.

Drama is started by an insecure person who's bored with their life. The proverbial troll who lives in a dark basement surviving on Cheetos & Mountain Dew may apply. Often, it's simply a bored, insecure person reaching for whatever attention they can get. Humans are hard wired to only keep doing something when they are getting something in return. Positive attention, negative attention. Both forms of attention are still attention.

It's sad, it's something I truly struggle to understand.

I am the same in person as I am online. 

When someone is rude to me irl, I simply walk away. The person has shown a lack of courtesy, lack of respect, not just toward me, it was also toward themselves.

Whereas many people get a personal thrill from being rude to another, it thrills me to be kind. Whether it's opening a door for someone, helping them do something (clean a house, cook a meal, care for a pet etc.) It makes me feel happy to help others.

Caveat ~ This has to be exercised with caution. Predatory persons are out in the world looking for people who are kind. It's a delicate balance to be kind while guarded against those who would abuse it.

I digress.

Trolls on the internet are a sad fact of life in todays world.

Just today, I blocked 3 trolls who verbally attacked my online post which they did not agree with. 3 trolls ID'ed, 50 million to go. 😇

Drama is for drama queens & drama kings. 

I choose happiness, peace & kindness.

1 comment:

  1. You have wisdom to share. No point in adding fuel to these little fire starters. It's what they want.



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