Wednesday, April 4, 2018

I Tried So Hard

Bear with me, expressing myself through writing & poetry is very healing, very release filled. It chases away many ills. Yes, I am paid to write my blog, that's something that happened as a pleasant surprise to me. Writing gives me great release, great pleasure.
Writegasms. 😇

She was just a little girl
Shy skinny and green eyed
From the age of 10
She thought of suicide

She became a military girl
Reformed by military training
Verbally abused by so many
In her heart it was always raining

Fascination with one superman
Made an impact on her soul
He was strong he was a mystery
He was oblivious to his role

Then, he left as mysteriously as he had appeared

She was searching for meaning
When he entered her life
To make her his own
To make her his wife

So many changes in such a short time
Soon cooking along with cleaning a house
Replaced bikinis, clubbing, perfume
With spit up on her blouse

When marriage ended it was devastating
Completely alone for the first time in life
It was scary it was painful it was hard
The sort of searing pain from a sharp knife

Cut off from family most friends turned their backs
Let me know who was false who was true
Only Janice remained
That's why I love you!

She moved 14 times just trying to survive
Did without friends without food without love
Found strength to keep going
When abandoned even by God above

I tried so hard
Held on so long
One lesson learned
It helps to become strong


The journey has been long, hills & valleys, m'loves. It has been my journey. A journey of pain & joy, heartbreak & heart healing. In all of it, hopefully, I have learned that which I was sent to Earth to learn.

If you can be anything at all ~

Be kind.

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