Monday, April 2, 2018

Damaged for salmon

Hello, my name is Brenda & I'm a bit of an addict.

Maybe simply OCD, just a little!

The flik ~ The Shape of Water caught my attention. I picked it up at WallyWorld without knowing much about it. The cover of the DVD was magical, sweet, mysterious, even romantic!
It was in my paws not claws for a week before I did the unwrapping.
It was slow to go at first.
The magic began to flow!
The main female character was vulnerable while still strong.
She was def intriguing!
The first time the aquatic man rose up from the water in full glory in strength, in confidence ~ HALLELUJAH!
(okay, so, I love guys, gimme a break!)
It was a moment.

In confession time ~ I watched this flik thrice before our trip to Germantown, Maryland, on the AC there, then, on the way back!
Gawd, a full dose of aqua man aye did, guv'na!
It was so easy to believe in him as a Prince O' The Sea. A romantic. The elusive "good guy" I have never found. they are either married or were unavailable to me or both. There are plenty of good guys out there, 

There were differences, there were complications to work around.
It was tits on toast bae! They made it work!

He (yes, HE) displayed confidence, he went to her ~ against the odds, he loved her, he claimed her as his woman to love & care for. Ceremony? Maybe. IDK.
Very few guys in todays world will commit to that,
He may have been a "get it on" with other cute fish.
It was a sweet story to be touched by, to believe in, to feel the sweetness of the romance on the level that comes into my soul.

There IS a downside.

As one who loves fish, salmon with skin on (the majority of health benefit is in the oil in the salmon skin)......

Peeps, I loves me some salmon!

After so much exposure to a hot fish-man? N'ant ah. Can't do it!
I tried to eat some salmon with skin on. TUIMM!

The Shape of Water has put me off eating fish. Of. Any. Type.

In life it's become clear that very little is forever.

Someday (hopefully soon) I may be able to eat salmon again.

For now?

Pass the beef, turkey or chicken, PLEASE!



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...