Tuesday, April 24, 2018


 Do you believe in miracles?
Have you witnessed a miracle?
Are you sure?

I hope you have witnessed miracles in your life thus far. Maybe you have witnessed miracles with having a lack of recognition.

What are modern miracles, you may ask? You may ask.

Every time you flip a light switch! The hours upon hours of study, trying & failure until trying & success brought this simple miracle of captured electricity.
If you are paying a utility bill, you are paying for a miracle (vs "praying" for a miracle!) See what I just did?? A miracle! *POOF*

Every blade of grass that pushes its' way out of a small seed, with all its' God given might through the weight of dirt plus gravity. It's fighting to be born.
Like the greatness inside of you!
It HAS potential. You have great potential.
It wants to be born.
Against all odds, against all forces. You were born, so, your potential wants to be born, to touch, to reach, to grow, to be.

To grow into who you can be. The choice is yours.

When I need a miracle, when I want to witness a miracle?
I plant something. Admittedly, it's a part of me, to grow the plant beings of the earth. My daddy had a huge garden most summers.
He showed me the possibilities of seeds, plants.
He hoed the rows, showed me how to drop the seeds a certain space apart, then, we went back to cover each seed with just enough dirt. A few weeks later, there were rows of hundreds of little green sprouts peeking up out of the earth.
Those sproutings grew into plants that fed our large family, as well as extended family. 
Daddy's garden skills fed us through the GM strikes, lay offs, recession, winter heating bills, threatened financial instability.

It taught me the joy of growing plant beings.

Yes, plants are beings, too. 

Put this miracle producing method to task if you wish, if you are so inclined to need a miracle or to create one for yourself.
It takes desire, time, plus the most important aspect of caring enough to nurture another being from a speck of a seed to a plant.

Other miracles?

Are you here?


OH! There you are! 



A miracle of thousands of years of evolving species. 
Human Species.

In the past couple months, for a reason I know not, I was in a funk.
Some call it a rut, low place, depression (maybe). I felt so sad.
I cried myself to sleep at night, I slept any moment possible. 


My housekeeping suffered. This was a further hindrance to happy.

Yesterday, I awoke with the haze of sadness lifted. The possible cause of chasing the boogeys was that I MADE myself get to the laundromat to wash clothes, bed linens, towels, even rugs! The feeling that the fresh scent of cleanliness gave me, had impact!


It took strength + effort to push to do that!

Why couldn't I have done it earlier?

Ah dunno.

This, to my heart, was a miracle. Am so deeply grateful for it.

Overhauling my kitchen was first.
Then my bedroom.
(Several loads of laundry)
Then my bathroom.
If it doesn't seem like a miracle to you, it's okay, it felt like it.

I'll take it!
I'll acknowledge then be grateful for it.
There was help.
What help?

Miracles of electricity, birdsong, instantly available nourishment.
(Ah loves mah lettuce, spinach, carrot & bell pepper beings!)

Peeps, I challenge you to look for your own personal miracles in your life, then cherish that which you find. If you have progeny, there ya go.
If not, then plant something or just sit there, breathe in, breathe out, look at the beautiful green beings singing as they grow around you.

This is the miracle of life. Enjoy it!

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