Friday, January 13, 2017

The Art & The Methods

In the world, today, there seems to be an obsession with youth, money, beauty.
As if the 3 fit together to guarantee the one who has this triple threat, with all the happiness & fulfillment they can stand. 

Pssst! There are no guarantees.

Auto accidents happen, plane crashes, random acts of violence. All of these can result in devastating changes to the lives we lead. Disease, disfigurement, mental & emotional impairment, just to name a few.
This post will lighten up, soon, I promise!

That was a simple illustration that even with beauty, youth & money, it can be taken away in an instant!

The best, which, we mortals can do, is to take the best care of ourselves, body, mind, soul and bank account, as we can.

There is a definite profit to be made in these industries! Especially the beauty industry of lotions, potions, powders, creams, gadgets and procedures to produce beauty & youthfulness.

Sounds good, to me! I have witnessed first hand, the discounting of fellow human beings based upon their age. Older or younger. A few years ago, I became reluctant to tell people my age. I was treated with respect, admiration, credibility.......until the other person asked me, my age. They treated me very differently once I had told them my age.
Some people who were rude enough to ask me, actually vanished from existance after I, foolishly answered the AGE question.

So, I stopped.

As recent as this morning, I was asked the dreaded question! The person guessed, "Around 35". I thanked him, walked away.

There are many things people can do to take care of themselves, to halt the ravages of time to mere finger nibbles of time! *smile*

Beauty is merely a reflection of the health of the body. It can be faked with makeup, camera angles, photoshop. The real beauty in male or female, eminates from within. The health of the body.

There is an art to remaining attractive, youthful, vibrant.

The basics?

If you are of a healthy weight, 1 hour of heart pounding cardio, daily. If you are overweight, time to take a look at diet & lifestyle.

If you are a tobacco user? Quit! Right now. Tobacco usage ages a person very quickly.

Drink as much water as you can throughout the day. 
Did you know that the human brain needs 2 Tablespoons of water per hour to function best? 

Get at least 7 hours of sleep during every sleep cycle.

Taking care of the top most level of the epidermis or skin, is essential.

A few years ago, I began studying & using natural products for my skin & hair.

About 1 year ago, I found a recipe for skin oil that is making a big difference, for me. Yes, even if you have oily skin, this may work well for you.
Start with wet skin ~ face or arms or legs. The oil seals the moisture into your skin, to keep it soft, supple, healthy!
Here's the bonus!
A DIY oil I swear by!

3 oz Argon Oil
1 oz Rose Oil or Rosehip seed Oil
3 drops Lavender oil

Mix these 3 together, apply 6 -7 drops at a time in the morning and at night before bed or every trime after cleansing face, arms or legs.

You're welcome!

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