Friday, January 20, 2017

My Love Affair

Anyone who has known me for very long, as in, a couple months or more picks up on subtle changes in my countenance.

They can tell when I'm "doing it" also, when I'm not.

The glow on my face, whether I'm smiling, or not, whether I'm "dropping off the radar" for a few days at a time. After all, it takes preparation, careful consideration, thought processing. Then, there's the actual time involved in doing it.

There's very little expense involved, I usually have everything I need. Being self sufficient, confident in my skills, free spirited & independent for most of my life, it shines through. This, I have been told by many people, during my short life. *smile*

Sometimes I do it during the day, sometimes for stretches of 4 or more hours, into the night, if it's exciting enough, it holds my interest. Sometimes, it's so very captivating that I will lose track of time, only realizing I have been at it for more than 4 hours, when the sun comes up with the singing of birds.

It's very exciting, fulfilling, productive, producing such beauty, it only spurs me on to want to do it more!

Being a "late bloomer" as it were, I only started doing it at the age of 21. From that time, to present day, it has been a constant in my life. A very passionate, consuming, beautiful obsession!

My love affair with the needle 
With fine linen and silken thread
Has given me such happiness
In this needle workers life I've led

My passion for intricate patterns
Both by day and by night
Is always time I've enjoyed
With endless pursuit and delight

The colors of various fibers
The beautiful results they give
I hope to be a needle worker 
For as long as I shall live.


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