Thursday, January 5, 2017


I'll show you mine if you show me, yours!


What is your style?

Do you know?

Does it change? Evolve? Reinvent with trends?

It's kinda tough to figure out other peoples style or their idea of style. Some people just go along with trends.
That's okay!
Some people have a hodge-podge of different styles, colors, souvenirs from travel, from life events.

It can be tricky to figure out your style much less execute that which you have honed in upon. 


Really, I didn't know my style until recently. 

Whereas it used to be
"I'm too poor to have style"

It went to
"Country Victorian"

After I moved to Europe with the USAF, it became

Moving into a different style after caring for so many elderly people when seeing how cluttered their homes were. I saw the anguish of those left behind when the elderly people passed on. Dealing with the death of a loved one is terrible enough. Seeing these loved ones go through even more anguish when clearing the clutter out of their homes, it was  a "style changing" impression on me.
Moving to Texas, I rid myself of half of everything I owned.

Since moving to Texas, I have rid myself of half of what I brought with me. The current intent is to rid myself of even more of what I have left.

A year after moving to my current location, I bought a vintage, 4 panel, Japanese room divider. It's lacquered black with scenes of cranes, birds in flight, willow trees. It's heavy, gorgeous was the start of a major style change for me.

Gone are the 16th century antiques, the clutter of Victorian style. I even sold 25 plastic bins of vintage needlework patterns, fabrics, fibers, etc. 
No worries!
I have 12 left to go!
Selling it off a bit at a time.

My style, now?

I would say: Simplified Elegance.

The more I rid myself of so much STUFF, the better I feel. Recently, I moved into a much smaller home to promote ridding myself of even more.
I will most likely relocate in a year, moving will be easier.

Something curious is happening. It may be related or it may not be. 
My physical body weight is dropping as I shed material possessions. Gaining physical muscle while dropping body weight. 
This is not supposed to happen, yet, it's happening!
Could they be related? 

Figure out your style, be brave, be creative!

Let it go!
Let it go!


1 comment:

  1. I love all of your little trinkets you have collected over the years.. I hope you keep those.



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