Friday, January 13, 2017

Chemical Romance II

Thank you for the guess, Anita!

If you haven't read the previous post, "Chemical Romance", it would cue you in for this post a bit better.

The blaring characteristic all three of these people, plus millions more, on this wonderful planet we call Earth, is that they had difficulty functioning until their first chemical jolt of caffeine.
That's right, a chemical aka morning coffee!

Medical experts preach about our chemical world in which people as well as many animals, are consuming chemicals. Often, the chemicals are absorbed in the water supply during swimming, bathing, even drinking.
It would be more peculiar if there was no obesity epidemic, no children diagnosed as ADD, OCD, Aspergers plus more.
The constant flooding into food, water & air of chemicals have more of an effect on people than we realize.

The morning coffee is considered a standard, gotta have it, can't wake up without it, chemical that's ingrained in most countries.

By now, you may have guesses that I have never picked up the coffee habit. For a brief period in my life, I had a serious caffeinated soda addiction! 
It was brief, yet, it taught me many things about my body, about the effects caffeine was having on my brain, my body, etc. I was sluggish, had a headache, thinking was very "foggy". It was only a few years later that I figured out the extreme effect the caffeinated sodas had on me. 
It was tough, yet, I gave in to better health by giving up sodas. I will have one once in a great while, not enough to become addicted, again. In fact, I crave cold, fresh, water!

These 3 examples I mentioned in the blog post before this one, taught me a lot. My road trip GF, could not function without 1 - 2 cups of coffee. She was a bit crabby, uncommunicative, seemed a bit disoriented, until her "coffee kick in" took hold. She was amazed that I functioned so well without coffee, didn't know anyone who could get right up & at 'em without coffee, first.

The guy I had dated for a year before letting him come to my home, experienced a "stupor of thought". The man couldn't put 2 sentences together without a cup of coffee.

When he came to visit me, my cousin experienced some brain fog. He was nothing like the energetic, mischievous easy going guy I knew, until after a cup of coffee. He didn't know that I didn't touch the stuff! Not until his visit with me. I bought a coffee maker for his next visit.


If a chemical, no matter how innocuous, was so essential to getting up & getting going in the morning? I would eliminate it from my life. Other chemicals such as excess sugar, excess salt, tobacco are very powerful. I'm just a simple sweet average American girl, yet, even I can see how damaging these chemicals are.

I follow the 80/20 rule for healthy eating. Eating healthy 80% of the time seems to work for me.

The chemical romance that the coffee drinkers of the world, enjoy has made coffee growers wealthy.

If you are a coffee drinker, you might be interested in this article I have posted a link to at the bottom of this post. You can copy & paste into your browser.
What is being conveyed here, is to be aware of the effects coffee has on your brain, your body, ultimately, your life!


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