Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Eye contact ~ It's how souls connect & are set on fire!


It's been said that when 2 people make eye contact across a crowded room, on a busy street or even sitting in an academic classroom, it's electric!


It can spark a close friendship, a romance, even a lucrative business deal. Trying to avoid cliche', the eyes truly are the window to the soul.

Depending upon the persons openness or closed off attitude, to an observer, the persons' past present & possibly immediate future can be seen. 

Personal experience?

My earliest memory of this was when my younger sister was only 3 days old. I was around 7 years of age. I looked into her crib, at her large, innocent blue eyes. She looked back at me. We connected. At that time, I had felt that she was my responsibility. She was my responsibility. I was there for her until her passing on in 2000.

My father was an alcoholic & chain smoker for most of his life. He was Native American with jet black hair & light grey eyes. His eyes, mostly, had a look of being dead, in them. He was an angry person. Angry about everything.
At my sisters' funeral, I only wanted to reach for him, hug him, tell him it was good that he was there.
When I reached for him, I saw the anger sparking from his eyes. He spat on the ground next to me, told me to go to hell.
Those were his last words to me before he passed on in 2003.

A man who I had once dated, loved very deeply, has the most wondrous eyes. Although, now, I know that he lives a life of lies, he did have fascinating eyes. Turquoise eyes, with flecks of yellow, green, dark blue, almost violet rimmed irises. 
Maybe it was his beautiful eyes that allowed him to get away with his numerous deceptions.
His eyes were mesmerizing!

Some people smile with their eyes, even when the rest of their facial muscles are relaxed. A guy friend who I have known for a long time has that characteristic. His eyes are a common shade of brown, very large, round, expressive. He has a good sense of fun & humor. His eyes definitely  express that!

And moi?

I wear my thoughts & emotions in my eyes. 
My eyes are a very light green. People have asked me what shade my contacts are, referring to eye color.
Sorry, peeps, these are natural, like almost everything else on me is!
People who know me, have told me that my eyes almost have a glow to them. They have said that they can see my eyes across a room. 
Funny, because when I was a child, I was bullied in school. My eyes would turn yellow in the sun, so, the other children would taunt & tease me, calling me "vampire."
My mother told me that I was full of diarrhea, that was why my eyes were green!
Thanks, mom!
While serving in the USAF at Hickam AFB, Hawai'i, I had a burning crush on a guy that could affect the way every female acted while he was in the Hickam AFB, BX. When he was there, I sensed it, just as all the other females in the building, did. 
Yep, his presence was THAT powerful.
The first time he noticed me, I was trying hard to not notice him. I didn't want to be "just another one" of his admirers.
He sought me out.
He peered at me through the store displays, through the slats in the aisle dividers, talking to me, in hushed tones.
"Mmmm green eyes"
"Hey, pretty green eyes"
"Love your eyes, pretty girl"
It was the first time someone made positive reference to my eye color. It really had a positive effect on my self confidence. It made me begin to believe that green eyes were more of a beauty mark than they were a derogatory feature to be hidden, out of shame.

His eyes?
I could see the mischief in them! Dark, coffee brown with yellow flecks, rimmed in blue around the pupils. I still remember! His eyes said, "I'm uncontrollable, a mystery you can't solve!"

Remembering the eyes of people I have known throughout my life is something that I love to do.

Each one is unique.

Each one a treasure.


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