Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Chemical Romance

What's that?

Let's see if you can guess.

I took a road trip with a gf, once. She has a high energy level, like me. Seems like we would match up and it would be a good time, right.
The first day, we started out at 11 am, right after an early lunch. She wanted to start out driving, we had audio books on CD for when we went through Wyoming where there was no radio reception. 
We stopped for the night at  2200, checked in at the hotel, were asleep by 2230. We were to get up at 7 am, get a fast breakfast, be out of the city before rush hour traffic. 
She was far from her chipper self, while I got right up, out of bed, quick shower, ready by 0715.
She was dragging, REALLY DRAGGING. I though it might be road fatigue, sleeping poorly. I started out driving, since she was barely awake. We had skipped breakfast, since she moved so slowly, figured we would have a late breakfast or an early lunch somewhere. an hour after I started driving, I heard an odd noise, coming from where she was in the passenger seat. I looked over, she was actually snoring! Dead asleep in the car.
It was only after lunch that she began to perk up, wake up, alert enough to take over the driving.
This repeated itself throughout the trip. After the trip was over, our friendship survived, which really surprised and delighted me!

I began dating a guy I had met at the gym. He was 14 years younger than me, in really good shape. We would sometimes meet at the gym or the pool to work out or swim laps. After we had been seeing each other for a year, I felt comfortable enough to invite him to my home, showing off my culinary skills! He had to work that night, so, he came over for lunch, flowers in hand! Yeah, he was a good guy.

He came over at 1000 hours, he was smiling, happy to see my home after a year of dating. As we conversed, I noticed that his eyes were glazing over, he was yawning. I thought I must be boring him to see him so fatigued as we played chess for 2 hours before lunch was ready. 
I found that this wasn't the case at all!

My favorite cousin came to visit me, one fine Spring week. He is a wonderful guy, love him!
I loved showing him around, introducing him to different people I knew. Working out at the gym with him was fun.
He seemed to drag a bit until after lunch. 

I was thinking, 
"Wow! Is he really not a morning person? What's up with this?"

Can you guess what was happening with these 3 distinctly different people?
Tune in to my next blog entry for the answer or feel free to make guesses in the comments section!



  1. They had poor diets and they were just tired all the time.

    1. That's a good guess! It was something else that was affecting them.



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...