Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Waiwai mai na mokupuni - Treasures from the islands.

The mountains I love. The Ko'o'laus on O'a'hu.

I hear the wind traveling down the Ko'o'laus. 
It touches my skin and makes me think of how
Much I miss you, my Hawai'i. 
I breathe the fragrance of a yellow ginger lei. 
I look inside myself and find the words to say
How much I miss you, 
My Hawai'i. 
Every time I stop to watch the moon 
Dance across the early evening sky. 
Every time I hear a country tune
I can see the shores of Wai'a'nae
Every time I listen to my heart
Telling me it longs to go back home
And it makes me want to
'Cause I miss you
My Hawa'i'i

~ Na Leo Pilimehana ~ I Miss You My Hawai'i

                If you local kine or kamaaina long time you know this. You might just love it!!!!!

The time spent in Hawai'i made a deep impression on me. It was a dream to go there, as something unfathomable. I was a shy, skinny girl from a small town in lower Michigan. The odds were very low.

In the beginning, it was where I fell in deep awe with the ocean, the music, the people, the food and yes, a local boy serving in the USAF.
Over time, the rhythms of hula, ocean tide, then, my first two sweet babies were born at Kapiolani Women's & Children's Hospital.

Hawai'i is a part of my soul, now. Maybe, Hawai'i is my soul mate?

I love my Ni'i'hau shells, love the Hawai'ian Quilts on my walls, love the priceless Diana Hansen Young painting, love the lilikoi jellies & mac nuts I bought in Stadium Swap Meet the last time I went to the islands, took my dear dear bff, Anita to show her the beauty of Hawai'i first hand. I was so happy to take her there as a beloved guest. She was so gracious, kind. Put up with me for 7 days!!!!!!

The greatest treasure carried in my heart is the feeling of ALOHA!

Wait, what?

What is it?

Aloha has many meanings!

Good bye

It's a feeling felt deeply inside the human heart
Everyone is family even when long time apart
Bumbai the ones who go mainland always return
The longing for da islands will forever burn
Heartbeat of Pele the rhythms of da kahili
Always echo in dreams so it stays with us really
The luckiest ones might get to go to Ni'ihau
Happy when you going go but sad time when pau
It's not just the scent of plumeria or huli huli chicken
It's these plus more that can make your pulse quicken
Lomi lomi salmon or papaya fresh from the tree
Free mangoes in da summah which really are not free
Da music oh da music of Na Leo and Kalapana
Stirs da buggah up and really makes da kane wanna
Everyone knows what everyone means wen talk of da kine
This connection with a glance is what makes island life fine
Swimming in the ocean or go surfing Mokapu
Aloha is the feeling that will always stay in you

If you Samungi ~

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Who is Keanu Reeves?

Norma Jeane Mortenson became Marilyn Monroe
Leslie Towne Hope became Bob Hope
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta became Lady Gaga
Samuel Timothy McGraw became Tim McGraw
Katheryn Hudson became Katy Perry
Frederick Dierks Bentley became Dierks Bentley

Keanu Reeves was almost Chuck Spadina!

I like the name Keanu Reeves better. It would be a travesty to give him a cold canned Hollywood renaming!

There are more interesting facts about this kind natured, sweet guy, about whom people have said:

He's almost too kind hearted for this world.
He's one of the sweetest guys to ever work successfully in the movie business
He's a very down to earth guy who enjoys literature & motorcycles!
Keanu has endured more than his share of tragedy, is very humble.

Here are some interesting facts:

Keanu Charles Reeves was born in Beirut, Lebanon to a woman from Essex, England with an American father from Hawai'i, USA.

Some people pull off dual citizenship? Our boy has triple!
Having lived in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as a child, an American Father, an English mother. Yup! Triple citizenship!

Arch Motorcycle Company was started, is now owned by guess who?
Yep! The one nicknamed The Wall or The One. Keanu Reeves!

Peanut butter & honey sandwiches are one of his favorite foods.

High School was not for him. He dropped out at age 16 to pursue acting, full time. At age 20, he drove to California from Canada. His acting career began to really take off, then.

Doing stunts is left to the professionals, with him. He does his own action scenes, leaves stunts to his trusted stunt man.

During the filming of the movie "Speed" he had a very strong crush on Sandra Bullock. She was also, secretly crushing on him! Neither one knew until later!

When his sister was struggling with leukemia, Keanu became her caretaker.

He has had multiple tragedies in his life. In spite of that, he continues to be positive, humble, down to earth. A great guy.

Also? He is aging very very slowly! At 54, he is healthy, fit, hot!

There is a website that has photos of people who could very easily be him, dating from centuries past up to 2017

Isn't that trippy!

It's nice to know that there are some very genuinely kind people left in this world!

Keanu Charles Reeves seems to be one of them!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Your Focus

As if it was yesterday, the memory of the sage advice I received, from my daughter, is as true, now, as it ever was.

She, in her wisdom, told me, "Shift your focus".

Oh, so very wise!!!!!!

Yes, Heather, it was you.

I named her. How very clever of me.

Standing by my truth, my conviction, it's a tenet of my personality. I can learn from everyone. Age is irrelevant. 
Distance is equally, so.

I have been messaging, off and on with Michael, since 2013.

He has given me, taught me so much, I am grateful.

Although our connection ended thrice, against my will. He has my gratitude for the lessons he taught me, the support he gave.
Although he chose that which I would never choose, he has my gratitude for the lessons I gleaned from the time we interacted.
I released him for the third as well as the final time.

Shifting my focus to a beloved flik, I watched Milo & Otis!

It was fun, childish, nostalgic. It caused me to LMOO!

As such, I was laughing for almost 2 hours!

"Gonna take a walk outside today, Gonna see what we can find, today!"

I only watched this because I no longer own The Mask or  have finished Downton Abbey, season 6!

Milo & Otis it was!

You might see, my dear readers, I refuse to be kept down for long.
Like the wee-buls of old, I may wobble at times, most often, I will bounce up. 
Happiness is a better choice as opposed to misery.

Tonight, when the guy who I had such attraction to, so much hope for, out of the blue, shut me down, I cried. Tears of disbelief, tears of shattered trust once again. I had never met him in person, yet, he was real to me...……….until he wasn't. OMFG it stung

I have been listening to as well as studying "The Body Code".

It makes sense yet, I'm still skeptical.


I'm going to Colorado for 2 months, during which, someone I care about will, most likely die. I love my friends. I want to help them in what they need. Coldorado (cold hearted people, cold weather).
Off I go!

It's sad to leave at this time.
It hurts like hades, for someone I care about to be so ill.

He has had a very very good life.

Still, I care about him very much.

One person enters my life, one will exit.

Who will you be?

Friday, July 26, 2019

Life in Renewal

For the second time in this beautiful life I'm living
It feels like a first time with an age of forgiving

Feeling like I'm eighteen years of age all over again
Washed free of age of insecurity of any and all sin

Starting to understand more with such a feeling of renewal
Best of both worlds with happiness as such a jewel

Maybe it's the spin class maybe it's the celery juice 
Maybe I should stop wondering after all what is the use

My eyelashes are longer & thicker my mind is more at peace
Life has taken on more color with a cool exciting ease

To question it is to be ungrateful for this newforming me
It's best to do like the Beatles said to flow just let it be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

For the first time.

The first time I felt my innocence slip
Was a time I was too young to even grip
The wrongful actions which were taken
Against me as a child

After being a patriot serving my country later on
The faith I had in humanity was then gone
The males who were supposed to be decent
Most of them turned out to be cruel

As a faithful wife being a mother on my own
From their birth to when they were all grown
Enduring the misery & being taken for granted
Until I found a way to leave

Being a single girl again with new freedom awaiting
Entering the hall of horrors in the new rules of dating
Married males who acted more single than single ones
It was a nightmare

Setting myself free I made sweet promises to my heart
To never again let her be abused nor shattered apart
Life became beautiful once again as I embraced freedom
From all that hurt me as well as held me back

With the help of one who counsels troubled souls like me
For the first time in many years the innocence has come to be
Feeling whole again with the happiness it brings 
Peace, love, joy, rest

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pride of Texas

In 2012 I moved house from the state of  Colorado to Texas (USA for my international readers ~ Haayyy!) it was partly out of necessity, part love, part desire.

I spent almost 6 months in Texas during my military training, had the feeling I would come back.

Abracadabra ~ here I be.  

I'm originally from the state of Michigan, born in West by god Virginia (long story) ! Got back to Texas as quick as I could. 
That's a Texas quip!

Something I noticed immediately was that Texas people are quite friendly. A pleasant surprise. Many will be surface friendly, as in, they will smile, hold your door for you, chat you up in Walmart.
Yet, most, not all, most will leave it there.
Most Texans will offer an invitation to come to their church within 5 minutes of meting their time. That was not a typo. *smile*

Most Texans will stop on the roadside if they see someone having car trouble. I was the recipient of that help at least twice since 2012. It's the Texas way. Help your fellow beings.

Something else that has been very pleasant was that, the places I have lived in since moving to Texas, had large yards & the landlords have kept & still keep the yard up for me. It was a bonus, a surprise, a relief!
I KNOW how to start a lawn mower, I know how to keep a yard looking beautiful. Why would I do it if someone else will!

When I was a substitute teacher in the local schools, I was impressed with the students show of respect for the USA flag...….as well as the Texas flag.
There was a great deal of pride as the students recited the Pledge of Allegiance as well as the Texas Pledge. Every student stood up, on their own with their hand on their chests, to recite together.
It amazed & impressed me.

God blessed Texas with his own hand, brought down angels from the promised land, gave 'em a place where they could dance. If you wanna see heaven, brother, here's your chance! I've been sent to spread the message. God blessed Texas!
~ Brady Seals/ Peter Howell ~ sang by Little Texas (oxymoron!)

In wrapping up this blog, I hope all Texans love their very own super hero!
Many people think he stands for America, we, Texans know better!

                                    Hook 'em horns rule!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Life's Work

Here I rest and work with my linens, silks and my cotton
Weaving beauty to behold in gentle ways almost forgotten

Working the colors with nimble fingers as the design appears
It comforts my soul anew while the rhythm quietens my fears

Solitude can be put to use when a happy focus is now shifted
Plying such art with a grateful heart to that which I am gifted

It's a form of meditation as I reside inside such deep thought
Striving to bend away from what I wish to instead do as I ought

Life is a curious menagerie of so much of which is duty
To choose to do the right thing is to create a life of beauty

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Haves vs The Have Nots

There are distinctions between those who have "it" as well as those who don't. Those who have it are obvious. Sometimes it's obvious that someone is lacking in this area, sometimes they are in, fake it 'til you make it, mode. 
Most people cruise in  & out staying in it, letting up then giving it another go! 

What is "IT"?

Umm, nope, it's not a sexy scary clown, lol!

Motivation, peeps!


Mostly, I am self motivated. I have bought & sold a few times, worked out hard core, let up, paid the price, back at it again. I'm a few steps short of a super toned: skinny: fit: muscular fit guru. 

When I have visited other people or they have visited me, they know that fitness is a big part of my life. They will go to my workouts with me, remark that they feel motivated.
My visit ends, they stop exercising, working out. The peeps will remark that they lost between 10 - 25 lbs from the lasting effects of working out with me. Then, they go back to prior life habits they had before I visited them.

The major probb, here? Relying on external motivation.

Motivation, if it's to be effective, has to be personal. It must come from within. Every person must have their own motivation. When someone relies on others to motivate them, it's a temp fix. 
Fitness heroin, lol.
Unless you have the finances to pay someone to train you every time you train, you must develop then, maintain your own reasons to do anything. In this case, working out.

If you have a gym/health club membership or access to one, check out the classes. Group fitness is the next best thing to having a personal trainer. Group fitness can help with developing personal motivation. The teachers are very encouraging, forming friendships with the other people in the class can help.
Different classes for all size...……..lasses!

Having recently fallen off the fitness wagon, I got back on a month ago. A month ago, I dusted off my juicer, fired it up. Going back to Spin Class is painful. Pushing through the pain is essential. Spin Class can torch calories, gives a great sweat. Hurts the lady bits.
No worries!
I want this, want it bad.
Perseverance is essential.
Not faking it at all.
Making it! 

                                               Get to it!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mistress of my Universe

It's late into the night as I ponder the hims and the hers
Being the mistress divine of my own little universe

Listening to forbidden music of which I know so well
Watching the "O" face of Prince as he rose then fell

Knowing I am different than is the average Jane Doe
As off into the full moon night where I delight to go

It's late as well as getting later into this good life I'm living
Fulfilling the mission I was endowed with to keep on giving

I'm a helper, a teacher, a lover as well as a mentor in some way
Though people misunderstand my intent and the words I say

I am more than I appear in the flesh than what I am perceived
Many will deem me as another like the one who them deceived

Now I ponder my life direction and which way I am to go
With prayers and nay sayers which the former will only know

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Release, Connect, Suh-weet!

Release yourself from self loathing self doubt
Release yourself from wondering what life's about

Release yourself from all the ideas of all of those
Who doubt you with their ideas in such selfish throes

Release yourself from all that you thought you would be
Let yourself wander life's path to be wantonly so free

Connect with who you truly are in your own beautiful soul
Let it make you who you are being happy and finally whole

Connect with yourself in nature in any natural setting
There is the place to heal then heal is what you do I'm betting

Connect with God or whomever you see as your power divine

Your God may be very different than that which I call mine

Friday, July 12, 2019

Sub par treatment of a substitute teacher


When I was working in the school system, it was challenging as well as enjoyable. The students were mostly respectful, smart, funny! The other teachers were nice. I never went to PEP rally's when I was in JrH or HS. It was all new to me, when I went to the PEP rally's in the schools.
The challenging part was that the male students in the High School as well as sometimes the Junior High were bold, at times. I am not, was not, that type of girl. I can understand how some female teachers get inappropriately involved with a male student. The attention is nice. It's flattering mixed with a bit of innocence. It's totally wrong in so many ways. Nothing I would ever do.
I had to stay alert, nip it when I could see it happening. I, also, had to keep my phone where the students couldn't get it. They sometimes got ahold of my phone, texted to themselves, to have my number or took selfies with my phone, sent it to themselves. 
If it had not been so against the rules, it would have been more cute & funny.
I wanted to continue as a substitute teacher.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen. There was no conversation, there was no asking me what happened.
One day, I stopped getting jobs.
This is why the schools are hurting so badly for substitute teachers in this town. There was a very brief orientation, that was it.There's no training, they just send ya out there. Then, if some gossip reaches the person in charge of hiring & firing, about the sub, that's it! Unprofessional ghosting.
It IS HS & JrH, so, apparently the mentality extends to the people who are supposed to be running the schools. It's akin to playground bullying, "I don't like you, I have the strength to force you out, so, I'm going to force you out." The exact opposite of the mature, adult way. Sit down, have a conversation. Can't have that, can we?

The area I live in has many small towns. There is only a finite number of people who will work as a sub teacher. When the schools treat so many people badly, they run out of people. Then, they cry out that they need substitute teachers.
What the powers that be, REALLY need is a course in manners & professional courtesy. 
As the school year begins again, the cry for substitute teachers resumes. Small town, small minds. 
Someday, it may change.
One may hope!

Yup. It's that time of year......again.  :)


The power of intention. Oh, it's powerful, alright! In media coverage about the Law of Attraction the phrase is tossed about. It's actually very serious for as casually as it's mentioned.
Deepak Chopra has fascinating audio books about it.

There ya go. Everything begins with intention. He said so! 

This is about a different sort of intention. An intention to help others when it's possible. Many people won't accept help, they ponder the motives of the one offering help, then, say "no, thanks". Sometimes this is misjudged, sometimes it's correct. It's often difficult to discern.

This is understandable in a world full of predatory & flaky people.

My mission in life, that which I was put on Earth to do, is to help others as much as I can. This help is to be done as long as my own resources are intact. As long as the person genuinely needs or can benefit from some help & isn't just a mooch. There are many of those out there. Moochers.

When I was working as a substitute teacher, there were a few students whom I liked a bit more than others. One of them, actually kept in touch after I stopped working in the schools.

Yes, he was a male student. A JrH student. He is a very genuine person. Very smart, great sense of humor. Once I had left the schools, we kept in touch. A few times he messaged me, I went to his home, picked him up. 
We sat in a restaurant, a public place in public view, just talking, it was strictly platonic. He read my intentions, correctly. I was so grateful for that. He was a very interesting person, I enjoyed hearing what he had to say. 

When he started driving, he texted me, we met at a public place to sit & talk.

Some people may think it's odd. idgaf. 

You see, I believe I can learn from everyone, age is irrelevant. 

I find that I have more in common most often with people who are much younger than me. As people move through time, they often become cynical, jaded, hopeless, bitter.
Dang, I love that!
There was a guy with a similar personality to the one mentioned here, earlier, who was working in a nearby store. He was funny, sweet, smart, had a great sense of humor.

I wanted to get to know him. I won't push. 
He seemed to read my intentions wrong. 

It's kinda sad that he misinterpreted what I said to him. I know I can help him to get on a good path. A sort of life mentor. He was 16 when I met him. He is now, 18.
It's been 2 years.
I saw him a couple days ago. In that 2 years he had matured a lot. He had grown a bit taller, developed some muscle. He stopped me in the store, we talked for almost an hour. He had graduated from HS ~ hey! My intentions are purely above board! 
I want to help him.
He has impeccable manners. He's very polite, very courteous. I decided to take a chance and I fear he may have mis-read my intentions.
I gave him my cell number.

I know that it's unusual. Then again, I'm different from most girls.

Also, it takes a great deal of gumption for an 18 year old guy to phone an 18 year old girl. It might be too much for him to contact me.

Either way, I put it in his hands, it's his choice. I won't push.

In the meantime, my landlord's, who are also my next-door neighbors, have a 10 year old girl who is just adorable. I tried to teach her to speak French, she wasn't ready. So, when I go over to pay my rent to my landlady, I speak with her a bit. She's a very cute, smart, bubbly child.

I'm so grateful that no one questions my intentions toward her.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

fire in the fox

Do you see what I did, there?

First, the fire.

The fire is more about creative passion. It can be about sexual energy, then, what to do with the other 23 hours, 45 minutes. :)

The FOX! OMG, the fox. The fox, rox! The fox knows things. Important things, frivolous things. Sad things, silly things. All kinds of useless as well as useful information.
Most of what the fox knows is left unsaid. A wise person knows when to tampa la boca!
I have to work more at staying silent than I do at being wise. A natural curiosity of everything is part of me. It has gotten me in trouble at times.
It has taken me on some awe inspiring adventures.

One of my personal favorites is to ask for what I want. To take the chance. Asking, as in, nothing ventured, nothing gained. The answer can be yes or the answer can be no. Simple.
Because I tend to receive yes more often than the other, I still ask if it's important to me.

It puts the fire in my life.

Some awe inspiringness ~

A Coyote Ugly T-shirt. Yes, I beat out some 20 somethings in a dancing on the bar competition. The prize was a free drink, I asked for a free T Shirt instead. I had a plan, executed the plan, won the contest, got the T Shirt, pissed off the losers!

Offered $1,900 for a car that had a blue book value of $6,000. The asking price was $4,000. I had the cash, laid 19 Ben Frankies.
It was a done deal. Yass! Love my car.

My fembud and I were at a P.F. Changs, one night. We were a bit cash poor. We had just enough for dinner, not enough for the $14. hefty slice of chocolate cake she was feening for.
There were 2 male pilots, very male, doing some heavy flirting with us. I told my fembud, "How much do you want that cake?"
She told me it didn't matter. 
Oh, but, it did!
I told her to flirt back with the guys.They motioned for us to join them.
The sperm chases the egg.
She motioned for the 2 guys to join us!
As they swaggered over, to join us, fembud was laughing her head off! One of the guys asked us if we would like to join them in their hotel after dinner. 
Sure, why not, sounds like a plan.
Then, I told them that my friend wanted the chocolate cake. The hotter one said, 
"Hell, we'll just pay for your dinner, drinks and cake!"
Cutting to the chase, they paid for everything. We were to follow them in fembuds car, conveniently made a right turn when they went left.
See what I did?
Read it again.
We headed for home laughing all the way.
We did, however, leave a very generous tip for the server.

So, having learned to ask for what I want & sometimes what a friend wants, I do so.

Don't be a dumb ass, be a fire fox!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Can you stand alone?

If every member of your family as well as most of your friends just disappeared one day, could you handle life by yourself?

Where'd they go? idk

Abducted by aliens?
Taken to the center of our hollow earth? (just supposing)
Imprisoned at CMOC for DNA preservation?

Just make something up. They are gone. How do you think you would fare? No one to celebrate holidays with. No one to watch a movie with. No one to give you a shoulder to cry on. No one to help you if you become ill.

Just you.
All by yourself.

Having lived through this, it's safe to say that it's one tough adjustment! When I divorced, nearly everyone deserted me. There were only 2 people who stuck by me. They know who they are. 
People who I thought were friends turned out to be fair weather friends. People at church turned their backs to me. Family members conveniently, weren't available or weren't answering their phones or returning texts or calls. It was very disheartening.

I sat in my townhouse, after lighting a fire in the fireplace. The warmth of the flames, the crackling sound were somehow comforting to me. I was completely alone for the very first time in my life.
I had panic attacks, extreme anxiety, even a few hallucinations. No, I wasn't drinking anything or smoking anything, not yet. :P

I was so unfocused, I couldn't even indulge in my passion for needlework at that time. Being single again was nothing like what I had thought it would be and like nothing I had ever experienced.

I had wanted this. Freedom from being controlled, oppressed, berated with "after 4 babies, you're all used up" "you never know what the hell you're talking about, you're delusional."

Oh, but I wasn't all used up. My life had gotten a reset button, feeling the freedom experienced when I left my parents home at 18, moved to Hawai'i with the USAF. 
Also, I pretty much knew what the hell I was talking about, the delusional one was the one pronouncing it upon me. 

One evening, I was standing on my balcony, looking out at the view of the mountains of Colorado. There was a knock at my door. It was the neighbor just across from me.

She had always been single, no children, she was just who I needed. She and I started doing things together. Mani-Pedi, going out to lunches, dinners, movies. We both had memberships at the same health club, so, we worked out together. Because she had always been single, I learned so much from her.

Learning how to be single again is more difficult than it seems. It is, however, necessary, to take some time after a divorce or a relationship ends, to become centered again. How much time? 
It depends on the individual or the length of the "interaction" as it were. 
I'm not a professional, however, it seems that the best of new romantic relationships take place if a person takes 5 - 7 years after a divorce or an ending, to become centered. Finding yourself takes time, effort.

I was working at SAIC, meeting other single people. It was starting to be fun! I went out with one of the guys I worked with, as friends. No huggy-kissy stuff going on. He was a very cool guy.

When the contract at SAIC ended, I was unsure what to do. Life had become a bit easier. I thought, I think I can do this! So, I did.

My activity buddy was a lot of fun! We went dancing at Southside Johnny's, went to iHop after closing. One evening, we were out on the town at Jack Quinn's, an Irish pub. I left the table to go to the ladies room, when I came back, there was a delectable looking glass of something on the table. I had never been much of a drinker. She slid the drink toward me, 
"Somebody needs a little drinkie so she can relaxie"
I had 3 "drinkies" that night. She was driving so, I was safe. Drunk driving is something I won't do. But, she would!
I looked for volunteer opportunities & holy shla-moly, I found them!
The VA facility needed volunteers, the humane society shelters, the elementary schools. Then, sometimes, I would muck out the stalls at the USAFA stables so I could ride the horses.

After telling you all of this, it's how I learned to stand alone. Living alone was very strange, at first. 

Others have pronounced me as a free spirit, fiercely independent.

Well, durr.

I became that way out of necessity. The only other choice was to depend upon others who were not very stable. F that S.

The safe little bubble I had lived in as a wife & mother had held me, carried me, while the world changed in thousands of ways without my noticing. It was a more harsh, colder world of predatory people, selfish people who were uncaring as long as they got what they wanted.
99% of the time, they didn't get what they wanted from me, that was when the nastiness came out. Hurling insults, issuing threats.

Had to learn whom to avoid, that was a tough lesson.

Stalkers are the toughest to avoid. I had 3 before leaving Colorado.

I went through cycles. I would get myself to a stable emotionally balanced state of mind, let a guy get to know me, he would crap all over my life. I'd go back to working on myself. Until...
This cycle repeated itself, I'm embarrassed to say, more than once or even twice before I learned my lesson!
Happily, I did learn!
When I have watched other women keep going through the same cycle, never letting themselves adjust, learn to enjoy their own company, I feel such great compassion for their struggles. 
It's a very tough lesson to learn.
It's a lesson that each person must learn for themselves.

Learning to stand alone is one of the best life skills to have.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


I can see the way he looks at me
The way he is probably feeling
His eyes surmise it very well
Unaware how much he's revealing

Feeling his eyes upon me
I'm sure he thinks he's sly
Going on about my day
Away from the admiring guy

Intuition is very strong for me
So clear I can easily hear it
It's origin is unknown
Possibly my Indian spirit

My memory is very sharp
With exception to a brief spell
Right before moving to Texas
After a very dark spell

I failed to listen to my intuition
Failed to heed that catch in my breath
On that fateful night long ago
When I was nearly beaten to death

I listen and obey the prompts now
More than I heeded them before
Doing and saying as I'm directed
The HS speaks to me much more


If you were alive as well as walking & talking in 1989 - 1990, you might have seen this phenomenon!

Little children as well as some teenagers, even a few adults, walking around singing the famous chorus. 
Synonymous with the song.
Not quite words, exactly, not quite singing. Vocalizing?

Most of it was hideous, a very small number were actually cute.

Mm Hm.

There is a whole slew of little girls named "Ariel", even a few boys, dogs, cats, cars, because of this charming movie.
Some people refer to this fascination as 
LMS - The Little Mermaid Syndrome

When the character of Ariel's personality, is picked apart, some psychological studies have even dubbed a lack of impulse control as "The Little Mermaid Syndrome."

If you think about it not happening irl, as, I'm sorry to say, it does!

The syndrome is described as this:
Usually a girl (can also be a guy), lays eyes on someone, becomes immediately fascinated with them. They leave their job or school, their family & friends, everything, behind, to be with the object of their desire. The smitten one is overly trusting, willing to change their hair, their clothing style, anything they think the other person would like, just to be with them. Totally reshaping themselves for the other person's approval.

You may have heard the stories or even were the star of the show!

It rarely turns out as hoped for as the one changing themselves for someone else, as planned. Sometimes, it leads to an unhappy, even dangerous situation. It rarely turns out well, sometimes it does.
Priscilla Presley is a prime example. She fell for Elvis, HARD.

He wanted her to dye her hair black, wear heavy black eye makeup, mini skirts, sky high heels, so, she did. She was only a teenager when she met him. 
She was 14!
He was 24, already a star, serving in the US Army.

My link converter is on vacay. You may have to copy & paste.

It's important to teach children as early as they can understand, to have self confidence. To feel secure enough to be able to resist this sort of scenario.
Specifically, little girls NEED their daddy's. This is where they learn how they should be treated by guys.

Good, healthy relationships with daddy's are oh so crucial for both girls as well as boys. Mommy's too! 

If you must be a mermaid, be a strong, secure one!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

When you hurt

Modern times are great! 
Personal preference?
Anything new. New technology? Yes, please!

Absence of metathesiophobia, here!

When people who graduated from school after I did, ask me if I text, if I know how to text. I keep a straight face & answer "yes".
On the inside, raucous laughter! Before texting was common, I taught people who were a few decades younger than me, HOW to text. So, yeah, I text.
When there is new music, groovy, baby!
The tech explosion has put the world accessible at a keystroke.

Order a pizza, a car, a piece of fine jewelry. Concert tickets! It's easy to spend yourself silly, tearing it up on Amazon & eBay!
The human condition, has altered very little. 
Even atychiphobia remains after thousands of years.

Along with many actions, conditions, are selfishness, deceit, curiosity, love of money, vanity, ego, the list can keep going.
Peeps ~ I'm a list maker!

Keep in mind, sil vous plait, I'm a girl, thus, can only speak from the perspective of a girl. Having only dwelt in the mind, body, spirit in the feminine form, it's my reference point.

Have you ever had your heart broken? (Sit, stay!)

I have.

Having had my heart broken too many times, I found it best to keep my heart unto myself. Maybe forever, maybe NOT forever. :)

This, I know, for certain. When a guy acts in ways which are hurtful to a girls heart, it changes her. The guy's actions shape how she will view the next guy who she interacts with, it also affects the next ones that follow.

Guys, getting butthurt is irrelevant, I can only share from a girls viewpoint. Calm your nuts.

When you hurt a girl, you change her attitude toward every guy she will come into contact with for a long time.

When you treat her kindly, even if the romantic liaison ends, this, also shapes her perceptions of the males around her.

When she is treated unkindly? OOOF!

It depends upon how many times she has been treated unkindly in those romantic interactions with guys.

Some girls believe it was their own inadequacies that killed it.

Some, see through the B.S. to believe it was half them, half him.
(Getting warmer!)

Still, others, who are devastated one too many times, are not sad or devastated, they are enraged, raging until the rage is gone.
In this scenario, if the guy simply sits down with the girl, face to face, has a conversation with her, which most guys are too unkind or cowardly to do, the girl's rage will dissipate ~ most often!

When a chickensh*t guy simply walks away, leaving her with no closure, a heart full of pain, quite often, she will do what she has to do to set her world right, to get that closure for herself.
In this case?
It ain't pretty!

A guy simply sitting down, face to face, a conversation, a good bye hug or handshake with out the "we can still be friends" lie, he is being mature. He is being kind. He's manning up.
A true gentleman.

GUYS! I know this is a difficult thing. It can be feels overload. It's such a simple act, yet, only a truly decent person, a real man, will do this. It's rare.

Sorry, guys, sending a female friend or guy friend as proxy will only exacerbate the situation. She will most likely get pissed off!
Rut roh raggy!
A woman scorned. JS.

If a person is going to get out there in the dating world, especially a male person, I would offer to you to keep these words in mind.

If you can be anything, be kind & show compassion.

Peace out!


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...