Wednesday, May 11, 2016

WTH is a "Badass"???

Do you know? Do you, yourself have a definition of a "BADASS"?

Just personal speculation, to me, a BAMF is someone who is fearless, or at least appears to be fearless. They have a plan in their head before they overtly or covertly charge in, obtaining their objective with accomplishment as the only option. Could be physical, could be financial, mental, emotional, intellectual.
Whatever it is, success is the only acceptable outcome.

Having known a few, this is how they seemed to me. When the Chris Kyle trial was being conducted in Stephenville, Texas, I went. It's only 25 miles or so from where I live. I wanted to meet Taya Kyle. I have to tell ya, even in her state of deep grief after the senseless murder of a man who was such a legend, a super hero, she was and still is, a true Badass! Meeting her was such a cataclysmic event for me. It changed me, inspired me.
Having lost a man of Chris Kyles caliber, I had to go on, too. Oh, I am, in no way, of the caliber of Taya Kyle.
In my heart, I'm just a simple, sweet farm girl from Michigan. The only thing I have in common with Taya is that I loved and will always love a man similar to the one she lost, the one I lost.

What an anti-thesis of badass that is. Losing someone I love.

I would have never wanted to have that happen in my life, would never want that to happen for anyone else. Yet, it did.
Ya just move on from it as best you can, if you even can.
As much as I wanted to die after he was gone, I'm still here.

Back to the original topic.

What is a badass?A bamf?

A super hero clothed in human flesh?

Most certainly I'm not a badass, I don't see myself that way. As a very girlie, soft, sensitive, feminine type of girl, it's not me. :)

Yes, I work out very hard every day. Rest day? Umm, nope.
On a day when I absolutely cannot go to the gym, I may not be a badass bitch, yet, I am most certainly bitchy. Dealing with my
excess of pent up energy, I don't go to the gym because I want to, I go to the gym because I HAVE TO GO!!!!!
The alternative isn't very pretty.
Most people who don't work out or go to the gym and don't give it all they have, they don't understand this. You probably know some of these people. They are on their phones most of their time in the gym. Then there's the chix who come in, in full makeup, wearing expensive workout gear, they never sweat, their makeup might run down their face. Can't have that! There are those who come in to socialize, to see & be seen. They may come in for 10 minutes and walk on the tread while on their phone. They may come in 1 day per week and wonder why they aren't achieving results. Makes me lol!
These people, male and female, leave, looking as cute and clean as they did when they got there. Double lol!

When I get to the gym, I'm just wearing yoga pants, any old T Shirt I throw on over a Nike sports bra. My girls need it!

I'm clean, mildly put together, happy to be there, smiling.

After 30 minutes to 1 hour of cardio, my face is red, shirt is wet, hair is a mess, breathing hard, can barely talk. Breathing even takes a modicum of effort.
That's the warm up.
Body wants some YOGA BOOTY! During Yoga Booty class, I'm dripping down onto the mat, sweat is running into my eyes as I stand in down dog, one leg raised straight up, high,then, drawing it in, knee to elbow 12 times, switch sides do the same on the other leg. I feel the burn in my abs, glutes, thighs, crotch.
It burns & tightens. LOVE IT!
That's the easy part of Yoga Booty. It's strenuous, effective!

Twice, this week, 2 different people have called me a "Badass".

It took me by surprise.

Never thought of myself in that context.

Yes, after the body shaming of 2012, I have changed, my body has improved in, truly, a hundred different aspects all over it!
Improved, just as one improves over time, when a person stays on course with workouts. When increasing the difficulty level as pushups become easy. Too easy. I love a fitness challenge!
Holding plank on elbows & toes for 30 seconds became too easy. Increasing it to 3 minutes became easy after 1 month. Then, holding plank for 5 minutes became easy, no challenge.
Holding plank for 5 minutes, even listening to "Let Me Be Your Hero" or "Ten Feet Tall" actually became boring. Can't do it.

So, I still get into plank position & hold while waiting for class to start. I look forward to class starting, plank has become boring.

Improving my body for me. Proving to myself, I can do this! Doing what I can to inspire others, help them stay motivated.

Back to badass. *smile*

On Monday, I was finishing up with a particularly difficult new Yoga workout. A lady who is in great physical condition came into the back room of the gym where I was. She's there, every day, like me. She's focused, motivated, like me. Ha ha! Love it!
She asked me what motivates me, like she needed motivation!
I told her,
"I want it, I want my 19 yr old body back, I want it & I want it badly! I want it enough to dedicate the time to push through the pain. It's time consuming, painful, it's well worth the time!"

She smiled, "Dam girl! You're such a badass!"

Wait, what?

Then again, yesterday, coming off 1 hour on the elliptical, a guy who is at the gym a lot, said hello.
I wiped my machine down, went over to tell him hello. He asked me how long I was on the elliptical.

"Oh, just an hour, it feels good."

He shook his head, smiling.
He said, "You're such a badass, ya know that?"
It surprised me.
I smiled, "What? No, I don't know that." He laughed.

I've been called bad, have even been called an ass. 2 negatives put together to make a positive? idk

When people have insulted me, I realize that their insults aimed at me say more about them than it does about me. Examples?

Came to realize that males who pronounce a girl as a "psycho" are scared little pussy boys. They willfully hurt a girl with their actions, played with her emotions, are not man enough to sit down with her, face to face, have a conversation. It's easier, more little boy like to refuse responsibility for their actions, just say she was crazy, a psycho. Have learned to see through this.

People who sling mud, pronounce derogatory judgment are people to stay away from.

People who pronounce derogatory judgment on myself ? Yupp!
It says they are insecure within themselves. That's all.

When I heard that these 2 people see me as a badass, it felt kinda odd. It was meant as a compliment, I'll accept it. *smile*

People who go to the gym a lot AND work hard, will sometimes say they are "working their ass off."
Not me.
I'm working my belly off, it's my problem area, it IS shrinking!

I would like to keep a tight round boo-tay!

To sum it up, I would rather not be known as a badass.

I would rather be thought of  as a ~


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