Sunday, May 29, 2016

The She Beast

It's common knowledge that I love my workouts. I was made even more aware of it, yesterday. It's almost 3 am on Sunday, May 29.
Spending time with the singles group is just good clean fun. So, as it so often happens, I probably will go to sleep Sunday night, yet, most likely, not tonight. I need very little sleep, usually have to force myself into bed. I have to go to the gym at around 6 am to get the workout I need. It's worth it to me.
The singles group is a group of really good people.

Saturday morning I woke with a strong craving for avocado. Sometimes I crave blueberries, sometimes papaya or red bell pepper. This morning? AVOCADO! Being very in tune with my body, it tells me what it wants, it's my job to deliver. So, going to the grocery store in town, there was a new guy working in the store. As I walked around the produce section looking at the new goodies they got in, he kept looking over at me, smiling, waving..........and blushing. So adorable.

Yeah, not the first time. Younger guys like me. I like them, too.

I went to the opposite side of the produce section from him, wanting him to stay comfortable, undistracted. He walked up to me, asking if he could help me. He smelled so clean. Yeahhhhhh.
Must have been around 18.
I turned to ask him if he could pick out an avocado for me. He blushed bright red. OMGoodness, what was he thinking? I would really like to have known. Or, maybe not. *smile*
I took the second one he chose, wanting him to be comfortable.

Walking to the check out, I didn't know he was walking behind me. As I was leaving, he asked me ~
"You work out a lot, don't you"?
I told him, yes, I enjoy it.
"Yes, I can tell, people say you're a beast in the gym!" Hey, it's a very small town and people talk a lot about other people here!
I smiled at him, told him to have a blest day!

Walking into the gym, I went right into cardio on the elliptical. I listen to some pretty nasty, sexual music when I'm working out. Being a conservative girl, this might shock other people, yet, I do what works. Listening to dirty songs makes me feel good, it energizes me, makes me laugh. People think I'm just enjoying working out. Well, yes. Yes, definitely enjoying it!

Coming off cardio, there was a guy who is in the gym a lot, had never spoken with him.
He was smiling, I know I was drenched and a hot lil mess. That's when he said,
"What the hell do you listen to that makes you smile & laugh so much?"
I'm a smart ass, so I told him.
"Oh, mostly church music I get off on knowing Jesus loves me"
He stopped a second, smiled.
"Ya know, I don't believe ya, you're a regular she beast!"

I smiled, headed toward the back of the gym, had some new moves I wanted to try out in my yoga practice. I could see him, in the mirror, watching me a few times during yoga. Maybe it was the new outfit. Bright pink sport bra, tight black yoga pants with matching bright pink stripe on the sides ........
and my big smile!!!!

I was using the foam cylinder roller. Going into downward facing dog starting with my toes perched up on the foam roller. Then keeping my hands planted on the mat, using my bare feet to roll the foam cylinder in toward my hands, then rolling it back into plank, hold for 2 breaths, roll it back to hands, 2 breaths, back out to plank.
After doing this for 25 repetitions, I know my abs will be killing me for a couple days. Yet, I DID IT!!!!!
Seeing my obliques show, I know my abs are benefitting.
There was a sweetie, HS girl, watching me. She asked me if I work out every day.
"Yep, just about every day."
She smiled.
"I see you in here, you're amazing."

Wow! ME? Really? Wow, that blew me away.

I smiled, "Thank you sweetie!
"Yeah, you're a regular beast in here, all the time!"
I laughed.

Even though I've been working at this for 11 years, I still need encouragement. Still feel so humbled that people feel encouraged by my efforts. It's  out of a need to prove to myself that all the body shaming from Mr.2012, by my own daughter, the body shaming by others said more about them than me.

If I can help someone else who is struggling. If I can encourage another person. If I can be a good example, then that makes me happy.

Better to be a good example than to be a horrible warning!

I was so glad I got that workout. I had a 4 am Monday deadline for some document translation, so, I got it done so I could relax with the singles group, relax on Sunday and go to the lunch after church.

Ya know what?

I'm broke.

I'm poor.

I'm happy!!!!

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