Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What do you smell?

Can you smell rain? Can you smell the food you bite into? What about a new car? Or if you step in something particularly gross?

Can you smell what I'm stepping in? Ha ha. Inside joke. Had to!

Might be genetics, might just be that I pay close attention to everything. Being sensitive has it's perks as well as drawbacks.
Being sensitive to nearly all aspects of life is a bit of overload!
I can hang. Can handle it, more of a challenge some days, less of a challenge on other days which is quite a relief, can you identify?

Good smells?

Testosterone (yes, it has a scent I can smell very clearly)
Gardenia flowers.
Fresh baked bread
Green apples
Victorias Secret shampoo
Man sweat! (it has a distinctly different scent from testosterone)
Ginger root
Fresh coconut

I can fall in love with a guy based on his scent.
A guy who is clean, well groomed, his scent mixed with his own testosterone sent?
When remembering a guy who I have had close body contact with whether he's a friend, relative or more. I can recall just exactly what his scent was at the time.
If I have let him get that physically close to me, I like him to a certain extent. Not "like" as in attracted to him, yet, just knowing he's a decent person. A person who means well. The rest, well, it varies to different degrees.
I don't let many guys that close. Just a part of my sensitivity. I'm mostly a private person. Not letting anyone come to my home unless they are really, really, really special to me. Very few people have come to my home since living in Texas unless it was for a specific purpose to repair something or help me with something.

Before moving to Texas, I can count the number of people, on one hand, I allowed into the home I lived in for 4 years. It's difficult for me to allow people into my home, my sanctuary from the world.
They have to smell good!
Weird, hmm?
Nah, you can deal with it.
I'm simply a private person. The person has to earn a certain degree of trust for me to invite them to come to my home. Makes sense.
When a person visits my home, I feel their essence as a person lingering in my home long after they have left. Sometimes, when the lingering essence of a person becomes too overwhelming for me, I will re-arrange my furniture. Sometimes I will "rotate" my furniture, as in, moving the furniture I associate with that person out and bring different furniture in. It's really just because I care so much about that person, whose essence remains, it's too overwhelming for me to miss them, so, I remove that which they have sat on, slept on or used.
Usually, this is more in reference to a guy as it's more difficult for me to deal with their absence. Removing elements associated with a guy, keeps me from falling for the guy too hard, too fast. It's too dangerous to care about a guy, caring too much too quickly spells disaster for my heart. My heart is too tender to bear the pain when he begins to play with my feelings as guys like to do.
Having my emotions, my feelings played with is such torture. It's difficult to understand how people can be so cruel.

When someone has played with my feelings in the past, I could smell my own fear, my own anguish rolling off of me. It smells acrid like sweat, vomit, mixed with the scent of the guy who is playing with me.
Have not smelled that in a long time. A few years, may be 7 or 8 years. The memory is enough to keep me self contained, if you will, unwilling to subject myself to that sort of discomfort anytime soon.

This is saying I'm more protective of my home, more protective of my heart than I ever have been. I may let my guard down eventually, yet, will still be more cautious than ever.
I love guys. Their voices, their different scents, the way they move, the way they walk. The way they think. It's very fascinating to me. Love the scent of men's cologne. I keep men's cologne in my bathroom, it gives me a temp fix when I start to want one.
It's temporary.
Showering with Axe shower gel, yes, the one made, as well as marketed, specifically to guys, is comforting.

The scent of cinnamon is very comforting to me, add that to apples baking in cinnamon. Add that to apples baking in a pie crust with cinnamon. My, oh, my, hot apple pie. One of the best aromas ever!

The scent of leather is enough to send me into another world, another time, when I was riding a lot. It was enjoyable to saddle & bridle the horse I was about to ride just to catch the scent of leather. Add the scent of leather, to the scent of a horse. There is something so deeply primal about being with a horse, yet, not just any horse. There is chemistry between horses and people just as there is chemistry between 2 people. Having felt this chemistry, it's unmistakable, it's a more enjoyable ride when there is chemistry between the person and the horse. Have genuinely cared about the welfare of every horse who has ever allowed me to be on their back. The horse has to allow it. If a horse does not like the person on their back, it's easy to tell. A less co-operative horse means the horse has to allow you to ride, yet, can rebel by making the experience less enjoyable so that you might not want to do it again. At least, you won't want to be on that particular horse again
Smart creatures!

Today, I awoke to the scent of rain in the air. It has only sprinkled, slightly, yet, enough to wet the ground. Having put coconut oil on my hair, then braiding it, before going to bed last night I could smell the sweet scent of coconut. It was very lightly clinging to my hair & pillow. Had also made a loaf of bread last night, the scent was still in the air in my home.
People have told me that my home has the scent of wood, probably from the wood flooring, baking bread & cinnamon.
Sounds good to me!

What are some scents that you love? Aromas that conjure memories of people you love, childhood, places you've been?
Surround yourself with aromas that make you happy. It does, truly make a difference when you're paying attention to the scents.

Now, get out there & sniff!


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