Saturday, May 21, 2016

Tech Support

Have you ever.........

~ Needed technical support with electronic devices?
~ Figured out your electronic gadgets on your own?
~ Turned the air blue out of frustration with a PC or CP?
~ Been locked out of your own PC, LT or CP?

If this has ever happened to you, you will understand my day yesterday. No joke. No smile. I was putting out fires.

When I'm doing a 7 - 11 hour stint of document translation & interpretation, my PC or LT is being worked like cah-rayzee! I know it's hard on the OS, yet, I have to have the pay to eat, put gas in my car and an occasional giggle. Ya' feel me?
In  summary, I'm hard on a PC. Translating documents is intense, have to have the PC on & running for long periods of time so that I can make my deadlines. It's grueling.
I killed another LT yesterday.
So, new LT.
It was less than my desired outcome, yet, whoop ~
there it is! Ha Ha!
It's gonna hurt. $$$$$$$
On the new LT, when switching virus protection from one LT to another, Norton Anti-Virus wasn't co-operating. I called, what I thought was the Symantic Customer Service line. Reaching a CS representative with a thick East Indian accent, I really thought he was the real deal.
Oh, these people are slick.
They seem to be the real deal, they are Tech Support, for a hefty price.
From my free lance modeling days I learned ~

If the photographer tells you that you have to blow him for him to do the work the agent hired him to do ~ he's a fake. FYI ~ I never gave any photogs any sexual incentive whatsoever.

If the agent, photog or site manager tells you, you have to pay for anything, even lunch or dinner or a portfolio, FAKE!!!!

If the photog is saying shocking things to get the desired expression for the photo, the photog is legitimate.

So, when I was speaking to Mr. India and he started telling me he needed $299. to install Anti-virus on my computer, it seemed shady. Then he could do it for $199. then he could help me because I'm a sweet lady with a sexy voice, a deal! Oh boyo! He could do it for the rock bottom deal of $59.99!
Umm, nope!
Never blew a photog, not getting screwed by a Mr. India.
I told him to have a nice weekend, told him I was terminating our phone conversation. Poor babe, he was none too jazzed.

Then, I set out online to search for the REAL Norton help.

This time, I got the legit tech support person. Dan. Cool.

Everything went smoothe as butta! He was professional, courteous, efficient, only asked for my patience, email address, time. Refrained from asking for any $$.

So, this is very telling as to who is real, who is a fake.

Having lived in the single world for 10 years now, the single world is brimming over with fakes.
Lies & liars.
Users & losers.
Cruelty & shamers.
Males who try to take full advantage of a girls desire to be loved by a guy who is a decent human being.
Other girls who know of the difficulty in the single world who pick at other single girls insecurities thinking it will lift them out of their own.
Both are very damaging, neither one has a positive outcome.

I have lived & learned.
OMG have I learned.
Not just the guys, the girls, too. People see, in me, someone who is kind, who is sincere, then, seek to use me for all they can get out of me. I say, they SEEK.
Most often, they got nothing.
Sex, money, ego gratification, resources for their own selfish purposes, their own gains.
Have to admit, I was inexperienced, at first.
Having lived in a semi-protected bubble for a long time, when I first entered the single world, I was shocked at the cruelty of the world, of the people in it. People who are married say they are single, people who are single say they are married. Even people who look like girls are really guys, people who look like guys are actually girls.
Something I learned is to not believe anyone until I see their actions prove their words. Trust, yet, verify.
Don't let yourself care right away, hold back. Easy to say, yet, as a kind and caring girl, uber difficult to do.
People will use the pretense, "I'm a Christian", then, with a cross on a chain around their neck, proceed to play with another person's emotions, play with their heart BIGTIME.
This, I learned the hard way, I learned the lesson.

Just as I learned not to blow a photographer.
Just as I learned to refrain from trusting or caring.
I learned that legit tech support won't ask for more money.

Yeah, this may sound like I'm a bit jaded. So, yeah, when people jaded me, I became jaded. Being "jaded" has been given a negative connotation, like a medical cancer disease diagnosis.
When a person is exposed to being used, played with, it's like a cancer disease that will eat your soul. If you keep from learning how to play the game, wanting to stay as a naïve little sheeple,  it will eat your soul.
OMG, I learned.
My soul has recovered. I learned to leave the game behind while I still believe good people exist in the world. People who love, people who care, are few, now, they still exist, yet, I know they are out there, I am one of them. A good person who cares.

I digress.

Real tech support will do their job without asking for more $$.

Lesson learned.


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