Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Difference a Day Makes

On Monday, I was just feeling crappy.

Did it to myself, so, only myself to blame.

In normal, day to day, I eat quite healthy. As natural as possible. Raw vegetables, lean natural protein. On Friday, I went out for dinner with, what I call, a "free food guy". As in, he wanted to spend time with me, I knew he just wanted to get laid or a BJ, I made it clear to him, it wouldn't happen. He tried anyway, paid for my dinner, I left after saying thank you, he left without what he thought he was going to get. Awww, poor bebe.

On Saturday evening I went to a get together with the singles group & ate badly. Chocolate cake, cheez it crackers, doritos. Bad, bad, bad for my body. I knew I would pay for it, later. Yet, this is such an awesome group of people, I let myself relax my vigilant eating habits.

On Sunday there was a fish fry at church after sunday school. Oh, boy! Fried food, beans with bacon, sugary cole slaw. YUMMM! Since moving to Texas in 2012, I find that NOWHERE makes beans & BBQ as good as the beans & BBQ I have had in Texas!
Also, double chocolate brownies with pecans. Yup. Ha, ha. Bad.

By Monday? My body was beating me up for indulging. Sore stomach. Brain fog. Sluggish feeling. Low energy. UGH! I was paying for eating badly. Amazing, I didn't gain any weight, I actually lost 8 lbs. How does that happen?

So, on Monday, I was supposed to go to a few events, yet, felt so awful I just laid around. No Bueno. Oh, I worked out every day, yet, my hands & feet were swelled from all the salt, I had what I call "salt pockets" like bags under my eyes.
Too much salt. Too much sugar. Not enough nutrition.
On Monday, Mr. Free Food from the previous Friday asked me to go out again. Nope. The first time you're a victim, the second time, you're a volunteer. Being unwilling to be demeaned is healthy.
Having someone try to pressure me into something I make it clear that I don't want is so annoying!!! Wasn't going to go for round 2.

So, I encountered a very cool guy online, he seemed decent, so we took it to personal phones.
He was interesting, smart, a little sarcastic. Love it!
We really connected on a few different levels. I rarely allow that in present day.
Most guys are all about their dick, not much else.
So disappointing.
A guy talking to me as a person is refreshing. Speaking intelligently, openly, truthfully. A guy who is truly single, truthful, funny, interesting to talk to. Unfortunately, he is very rare.
Talking with him gave my day a bit of happy. I left my number blocked until I felt he was for real. He is, so far, so very real. Confident, which is very attractive. Such a great sense of humor!!!


Talking with him again, tonight.

WOW! The phone is ringing........it's him!


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