Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Life is moving along with opportunities along the way! Working at The Vision Center was stressful, getting more stressful as time went on. The ageist attitude of one co-worker who was always late, took 30 - 45 minute breaks instead of 15 like we were supposed to. She was constantly running to the bathroom from the first day we started in training Sept 2014. Her self righteous attitude was very contrary to what she professed to embrace. UGH! 
Then, there were the nasty-grams waiting for me in my email nearly every day I clocked in. I was working nearly every weekend. It was getting worse with time, no longer worth the money anymore.

So, on June 5, I walked away. Turned my lab coats & equipment in, tendered my resignation, left. Had the weekend to myself before starting my "new life" on Monday!YAY! It felt as if a huge load was lifted off my back.
New job? Working in a relatively new & growing insurance office. The difference?

- More money
- More hours
- One week day off to get things done
- Room for advancement
- Weekends & holidays off
- Pleasant work environment
- No need to wear a uniform
- Co-workers with morals, values & more maturity
- Casual schedule

Sounds good, hmm? That's what I said! So, no more 80 hour work weeks. I was working 3 jobs from 1 March to 5 June. Having a high energy level made this easy for me, yet, it did keep me hopping!

Yesterday, my boss, took me into her office to give me access to the study materials to get my certification & licensing to become an insurance agent. WOW! What a step. There's a time limit. I think I can do this!

More changes.

From my juice fast, I have lost 24 lbs. Started my juice fast on 1 June, will end it on 1 July. Am doing this for greater health, also, to prove to myself that I can do it. It has taken great self discipline.

Along the way I have learned that:

Sweet potatoes can be juiced
Blue agave takes the bitterness out of raw kale
Ginger root tastes good with everything
Having pure nutrient makes me feel great
Cucumber juice makes my skin GLOW with health!
Cucumber juice makes my hair & nails stronger, healthier & speeds growth
Juiced carrots & ginger are delish!

Small changes in my life for greater happiness, deeper peace and of course, better health!

What this means is that there will be ups & downs in my life as there is in any ones life, yet. If a person wants to see changes in mind, body, spirit, they must be willing to make changes.

Hold the vision of what you want for your inner self, outer self, trust the process of it coming true.

~ Namaste ~

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