Friday, June 26, 2015

What is best?

After a long week of working through lunch, lining up my life insurance policy, still working out 2 -4 hours each day ~ reward time!

Am still sticking to juice fasting. Non food rewards are better anyway. There is a very busy nail salon across the street from my office. Yep.


Best reward ever. 

In this quest for health, for, yes, a hotter body, non food rewards rock!

Such as:

Mani Pedi

A trip into Dallas to the art museum, it's 100 miles away!

A trip to Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls. It's only 56 miles! I miss living so close to a military base.

A horseback ride at Wildcatter Ranch

Walk around the lake

These are just a few things I can think of right now. have adopted a new attitude toward food. I had heard this from a few people over the years. It didn't make sense to me before, yet, lately, it seems to make more & more sense. The people who I've known who had this sort of attitude toward food were very slender. Never gained or lost weight, stayed quite the same year after year.
Heard them say:

"I never want to eat, I only eat because I have to. If I could live on air, I would."

Interesting, riight?

So, since I started this juice fast on June 1, I can really catch the attitude toward food that these acquaintances have. Feeling so light, so energized from being nutritionally sustained by just juice, I don't think I'll like the heavy feeling of solids in my stomach. 

What is best? Feeling fit, light, energized & strong. Proving to myself that I can really do this. Oh, and the pretty fingers & toes from my mani pedi reward!

It's the weekend.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

HE                              Written for Michael 2007

This man makes me crazy, makes me sweat
In a delicious way
And yet

He fills my soul with such pure joy
More than any other has
Oh, this boy!

His laugh, his walk, his sexy smile
Has me so captivated
All the while

Ripples of serotonin course through my brain
Makes me crave him
Again and again

It's a chaste craving to be in his life
A craving for him
To make me his wife

So enchanted am I to spend time with this man
Want to be with him
All I can

He is oceans away in body I realize this is true
He's next to me
With his words
"I heart you"

Why are you still single?

I'm still single because: 

You haven't proposed

I keep turning proposals down.

No company is better than bad company

My mail order hottie hasn't arrived yet

I want my fish to grow up in a stable home

Name one married super hero. Exactly!

Jesus was single, people simply accepted it.

It's a congenital condition.

Isn't it obvious? People are afraid of my ninja abilities!

Is this a proposal?

Just lucky, I guess!

I have enough laundry of my own, to do, thank you.

True love is worth waiting for. Not going to settle just because everyone else wants me to get married.


So, there! Asking a person why they are single is just as rude as asking their age, their weight, how much money they make.

Many people have the bad manners to ask others all of these questions. Yes, people have been rude enough to ask ME these questions. 

Some people enjoy being single. Are single by choice so this question can be very annoying.

Other people who wish to be coupled up feel a slight sting to the heart when asked this. 

Either way, it's a very insensitive question.

Here's some ammo to use, next time "the question" is asked.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Life is moving along with opportunities along the way! Working at The Vision Center was stressful, getting more stressful as time went on. The ageist attitude of one co-worker who was always late, took 30 - 45 minute breaks instead of 15 like we were supposed to. She was constantly running to the bathroom from the first day we started in training Sept 2014. Her self righteous attitude was very contrary to what she professed to embrace. UGH! 
Then, there were the nasty-grams waiting for me in my email nearly every day I clocked in. I was working nearly every weekend. It was getting worse with time, no longer worth the money anymore.

So, on June 5, I walked away. Turned my lab coats & equipment in, tendered my resignation, left. Had the weekend to myself before starting my "new life" on Monday!YAY! It felt as if a huge load was lifted off my back.
New job? Working in a relatively new & growing insurance office. The difference?

- More money
- More hours
- One week day off to get things done
- Room for advancement
- Weekends & holidays off
- Pleasant work environment
- No need to wear a uniform
- Co-workers with morals, values & more maturity
- Casual schedule

Sounds good, hmm? That's what I said! So, no more 80 hour work weeks. I was working 3 jobs from 1 March to 5 June. Having a high energy level made this easy for me, yet, it did keep me hopping!

Yesterday, my boss, took me into her office to give me access to the study materials to get my certification & licensing to become an insurance agent. WOW! What a step. There's a time limit. I think I can do this!

More changes.

From my juice fast, I have lost 24 lbs. Started my juice fast on 1 June, will end it on 1 July. Am doing this for greater health, also, to prove to myself that I can do it. It has taken great self discipline.

Along the way I have learned that:

Sweet potatoes can be juiced
Blue agave takes the bitterness out of raw kale
Ginger root tastes good with everything
Having pure nutrient makes me feel great
Cucumber juice makes my skin GLOW with health!
Cucumber juice makes my hair & nails stronger, healthier & speeds growth
Juiced carrots & ginger are delish!

Small changes in my life for greater happiness, deeper peace and of course, better health!

What this means is that there will be ups & downs in my life as there is in any ones life, yet. If a person wants to see changes in mind, body, spirit, they must be willing to make changes.

Hold the vision of what you want for your inner self, outer self, trust the process of it coming true.

~ Namaste ~

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Hearing about the book, Fifty Shades of Grey everywhere, piqued my curiosity.

These religious zealots who talk talk talk about something are giving it free publicity. So much publicity that it even reached me. Me?
I shun most media interaction.
Hell! I don't even send a photo to guys who I have not spoken with either in person or on the phone.
So, when all these supposed "Christian" zealots were giving free publicity to Fifty Shade of Grey, I took bait.
Bought the trilogy by E.L. James, then devoured them at the speed I ripped through the 4 books in the Twilight series! 
Loved them!
The movie (which I'm watching for the 5th time) was okay. Yupp!
The book is usually better.
The movie was full of eye candy for ladies. :)

It seems to portray the actions of a real man who is truly interested in a woman.

~ He takes action
~ He's truthful
~ He's honest
~ He pays attention to what she says
~ He likes plus analyzes her details
~ He comes back to her no matter what

Just mah pea brain observations.

Hating is prohibited. 

Watching the movie repeatedly, I realize the allure it has. Most guys, who just want a quick, easy fuck, display characteristics other than above. They are not serious about anything besides quickly, easily meeting their own needs. Disregarding the needs, the feelings of the girl. She's basically street meat for whatever purposes he has in mind for her. Nothing about her matters to him.

Guys are visual, if they are not serious or have dishonorable intent, they expect perfection. When they are seriously wanting a relationship, when they really want to care, perfectly imperfect is acceptable.
Cheating married guys are in a douche bag cat all by themselves. 

So, back to the allure.

Women usually don't expect perfection. They want effort!

Usually, they want someone to stop with the fancy talk, they want to see the guy put some actions behind his talk. 

Fifty Shades of Grey is a romance about a woman and a man, a REAL man who says what he means, speaks truthfully, takes care of the woman he involves himself with.
Takes care of her body, her heart, her desire. I once read a quote:

"One definition of a coward is a male who awakens the love in a woman knowing he is neither free nor willing to love her in return."

The man who has this figured out, who has honorable intent, who is single & truly available to love is a wise man.

Be real, best way to live.

Laters, peeps!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day 20!

Today is Day 20 of my 30 day juice fast. Weighed myself at the gym, yesterday. Have lost 19 lbs, so far. Have not been to the gym....yet, lol, Hey! It's 0440. I'll be at the gym at 0500. 

The weight loss is just the minimal of the great benefits from juicing. I felt fantastic before, but, now? I feel more fantastic-er! lol

- Greater mental clarity
- Higher energy
- Stronger workout drive
- Greater endurance during workouts
- Deeper sleep

So, yeah, I jumped on the juicer wagon & what a frkn awesome ride!  It was hard at first. The temptation to stray into donut land at church on Sundays. The lure of the cheez it crackers on sale!

I resisted with self force at first. Avoidance of temptation. Going to bed super early to avoid cheating.
Avoiding social situations where there would be food temptation.


I say ~ BRING IT!

Tonight there's a party out at the lake, I'm strong enough to resist, so, I'm going! 

The back pain I experienced early in the week is almost gone. WHEW! That was scary. Still am not sure what brought it on. 
I used some 3 minute hold yoga poses to ease the back pain. It worked! No meds!

Something I have been feeling lately is, when my back muscles brush up against the car seat when driving or the office chair when working, even now, as I type, it tingles! I can feel the tingle of my back muscles, the firmness, the strength! Same with my abs. The firm feeling of the increasing muscle strength is a great feeling!

Anyone who has never had extreme weight gain experience probably feels the strength of their body all the time, taking it for granted. This is fine. Would only wish fitness & great health for everyone!
Unfortunately, it has been different for me.
Experiencing a strong, well toned body, then letting that deteriorate into obesity was a choice, I accept responsibility.
Also, I accept the credit for building back the strong, fit, healthy body I'm building every day with time, work, sweat, effort, discipline, motivation, yeah, well, maybe a bit of vanity. This 30 day juice fast is getting me closer to my goal!
So, my reader peeps, got health? got fitness?

Getcha some!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A New Day!

Here it is, just as I thought. A new day, a new day, indeed! The Earth is being so renewed with all of the rainfall. The peony bush, Branden planted for me is growing so fast!  At this time last year, Graham, Texas (where I live & breathe) was in Stage 4 water restrictions. 
Now....the reservoirs are at 114%. WOW!

Yesterday was a challenge for me, to push through the extreme pain of back spasms to work a full day with no meds, only my determination to do my work, then go home to rest. I have Wednesdays off, so, it was the  knowledge of having a day off that kept me going.

Do you believe in Astrology?

Personally, I believe there are elements of truth in everything. Special Forces guys operate on this very principle professionally plus sometimes personally. They tell lies with just a kernel of truth within the lie. It confuses others, makes the lie believable. For the person who is the victim, they cling to that kernel of truth within the lie because they want the whole of what the liar is saying to be true. The perp knows this, so, when the victim accepts all of what is being said, the perp recognizes the willing victim, knows that the purpose in mind will succeed. Narcissists use the same method.

Astrology, hmm.

Yesterday, however, my horoscope read as something I keep feeling. Here it is.

"You should be able to sense a new beginning coming soon ------ perhaps the preparations of others are causing these feelings. Or maybe it's the impetus for your feelings each morning, ready to tackle the projects of the day, but not quite sure what they are going to be. You are definitely ready for anything and in need of stimulation! Don't worry---- Just hold on tight and be ready! It's coming very soon!"

I feel this a lot, feels like there is something wonderful, about to happen! Maybe it's the Konmari Method, the magic spoken of, whatever it is, 
I feel a sense of magic in my life!

Stay tuned.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Keepin' it light

Starting by saying, I'm in a lot of pain right now.

Have been working out hard for 11 years with great success. Even when I travel, working out every day is a part of my day.
My back went into pain spasms right after I stepped out of my car at the gym. OUCHIES! So, yeah. Trying to keep it light.

When many military people go through their training, Boot Camp, Technical School (USAF) they sometimes have a dating or romantic relationship with someone. This person is sometimes referred to as a "Tech School Boyfriend/Girlfriend". It's a very special time for many. It's stressful, seems to last longer than it does. It's a time of personal discovery, personal growth.
Some people even marry the person they date during their training.
How sweet, how romantic.


The wonderful guy I dated during my training, and myself, went our separate ways when training ended. There were a few letters, phone calls, gifts. Like I said, a wonderful guy.
He and I got back in touch a few years ago. He's happily married with a son of his own. That's that.
It's as it should be.
He calls me to talk from time to time. Wonderful conversations. I stay as friends with my exes as long as the guy is a decent person, as long as he wishes to stay in touch.
He knows I'm single. He tells me that I am way too good for most guys out there. Maybe, lol.

I can only be myself, think with a clear mind. Be kind to myself, be kind to others, let what will be, simply happen.

So much for keeping it light.

So.....painful back spasms all day at work. I skipped lunch, it was less painful to sit at my desk all day than it would have been to get in my car. This meant I came home an hour early!


It's wonderful to come home. I put a Spruce scented wall flower bulb in my B&BW wall flower before leaving this morning. Coming home to the scent of a blue spruce forest was awesome!

My back is still hurting, I'm going to bed early. 

Tomorrow is a new day!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Dream...

Watching The Time Travelers Wife.....

Yes, I'm feeling fine. It's a misty rainy day in north Texas. Chik fliks are out of the normal realm of entertainment for me.
The norm?
Usually sci-fi, history, comedy, action, documentary. Usually anything besides a chik flik. I s'pose this movie could be considered kind of a sci-fi love story? Alright, cut some slack for me. I do love this movie.

Since I served in the military starting at 18, that environment is one of only a handful that feels like home for me. It takes a certain breed of person to serve, to like it. I am that breed of person. It takes one to understand one. Usually, I have more in common with other military people. Other than military as well, however, the mind set of those who are serving or have served in the.....okay.

As a young, naive, impressionable woman, at 18, I fell hard for a USAF PJ. He was in my dreams, in my heart, in my thoughts for a long time. 25 years, yep, a long time. I wrote a book of which more than half was about him. Writing that book was very cathartic to resolve those feelings which were rooted deep in my heart, deep in my mind. Speaking with clergymen, counselors, friends about him, failed to wash him out of me. Spending 10 years writing a book manuscript helped tremendously. When he and I spoke, he took it all the wrong way from what I intended. My intent was purely to get to know him as a friend. Platonic friends, pleasant conversation. He took it in a way different way, a completely clandestine direction from the intention I had to just be a friend. 
Que sera, sera.

Men such as him are rare.

My Michael was a lot like him. A-10 Pilot.....go figure!

Thus, my fascination with this rare Alpha Male.

I went through a great deal of trauma shortly before leaving Colorado. Re-visiting it is unhealthy. Many of the memories have been dulled, yet the impressions remain. 
Am not sure if this "impression"  that re-occurs in my dreams was a real person or just the figure of an over active fantastical creative mind.

Watching The Time Travelers Wife seems to pull at my mind, that's the only way to explain the sensation. It's a sensation of a dream guy intermittently cruising in and out of my days. Never knowing when he will appear or when he will leave. It's odd, yet, with a strange familiarity to it. Somewhat similar to the plot of the movie.

Watching Claire (played by Rachel McAdams) as she struggles to live a normal life. So in love with this man who can never stay very long plus having him re-appear unexpectedly.
It makes me think that this must be similar to what it's like to love a Special Forces Soldier. He bounces in, he bounces out. Maybe with advance notice, maybe without? His family has to live a "normal" existence, whatever normal is. Having to carry on without him.Without him at Christmas, births of babies, Easter, Mothers Day, Fathers Day when he is especially missed.

Seems like a difficult way to live.

I only experienced this with Michael, briefly. It would have been a rather difficult way to live for very long.
Maybe, I wouldn't have been able to handle it. Then, again, maybe I would! I'm quite tough.

For now, the impression of that life seethes through my dreams like a thick hot steam, sometimes like a hail storm!

Although it's a recurring dream, it's only a dream.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

For my maternal Grandfather, Sherman Leroy Kendall

 Oh Grandfather where are you
Your words are alive in me
You taught me from when I was two
Your truths survive in me
Grandfather in my times of joy
Memories of you come back
Time passes and can't destroy
Lessons of the woodshack
Many hours we whittled and spoke
Of love and time and living
Told me not to drink or smoke
So inspiring and so giving
Oh Grandfather where are you
So many years since your depart
I miss you, oh, how I miss you
You live within my heart


Tonight there was a monthly event, in town,  that I usually enjoy. Could not even make myself go. The theme, since June is the month of Fathers Day, is "Men Who Shaped My Life."
I can't handle it.

My maternal Grandpa is only one of the 2 men in my life who left no room for doubt that he loved me, very much. His influence on the entire family is still felt, today. Felt by me, intensely. I rarely cry, used to, not much at all,now. Seems I am all cried out. If I took a photo & a story of my Grandpa to this event, I would cry. The worst kind of tears. Crying in public. UGH. Can't handle it. Staying home tonight is best.

My Grandpa Kendall was the most wonderful man I have ever known. Wonderful for so many reasons, in so many ways. He is that type of man that so many women wish they had in their life. He was tough when needed, tender hearted, always. Intelligent, he believed in lifelong learning. He adored his wife, was a devoted father to his 5 children who loved him openly, unconditionally. He was a giving, sharing, hard working joyful man.
He was a wonderful, sometimes stern, playful Grandfather

I have the day off, tomorrow, so, going to stay up late, tonight.

Maybe I'll find a good movie to watch, maybe just think of my Grandpa.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Woke this day with lots of words

Yes, there were many words on my heart as I started, then moved through the day. Work began in a slow start, then picked up speed as time took hold.
When juicing 4 cucumbers, this morning, as has become my habit since February! The shaker cup slipped...........ARRRGGGHHHHH! Cucumber juice all over my kitchen floor! Thankfully, had yet to add the cantaloupe, so, it wasn't a sweet, sticky mess. 
As a single girl, nobody else will care if I threw one of my 2 plush bath sheets over the cucumber juice to blot it up. Had to get to work on time!
Would take care of it on my lunch hour!
Besides, cucumber juice, during my 30 Day Juice Fast, as well as before, is doing great improvements in my hair, my skin. So impressive!
Google Earth is a great app. Have used it over & over to assure me that the properties I'm contacting are exactly right.
Today, I slightly strayed to look at the home I remodeled, mostly on my own,  It was truly beautiful. Replaced all the windows, sliding deck door, deck. Remodeled the bathrooms, new paint throughout. New lighting, flooring. Replaced the ugly brown double main entrance doors with a white door w/elongated oval frosted glass window plus 2 side lights. New paint on the house itself. Planted lilac trees, trimmed the pine tree in front, built a retainer wall to level the front yard. Restored the pond & waterfall in front. Restored the hot tub in back.  Planted a small rose garden with French Parfum roses in the back yard. Those roses wafted their scent through the cul de sac. Heavenly!

Just as my ex huzz let me go, he let this beautiful home go too easily. 5 BR, 2.5 BA, pool, hot tub.

He walked away from the home as easily as he walked away from me. Into what? His unhealthy weight gain, poor health, misery. His poor choices.

It seems I got the better end of the deal in the divorce. He has lots of money. Money is what he loves more than anything. I received increased fitness, health, peace of mind, a lightened spirit. Freedom.

Coming home from work, it felt peaceful, free. Using the KonMari method, I'm improving my quality of life further by letting go of extraneous "stuff". These things served me well, I am thankful for their service to my life. Soon, I will drift into peaceful sleep.


IJL or It's Just Lunch

Take me out for a 
Picnic lunch
The best in life 
Doesn't cost much more
Than a buck
I love
Love Love
A guy who really knows how..........
To make
A great

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Your Heart

What touches your heart?

Leave your answer in the comments.

Thank you.

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Everyone who has lived awhile, knows themselves well enough to know what they like, what they can live without.

Preferences can change throughout a day, a week, a year, a lifetime.

Personally, many of my preferences change constantly, some remain the same.

When my divorce became final in January, 2007, I noticed a shift happening. Dating had changed in a thousand trillion ways during my long marriage. For the better in many ways.

For instance?

I was barely into my 20s when I married. Let's just say, although I FEEL like I'm in my 20s, I know I am far from it. Oh, I work out every day, very fit, healthy, HAPPY!, People think I am around 35, I'm not.
My first encounter with the younger man/older woman attraction happened shortly after i took my wedding rings off, the day after the divorce was final. I was in line at the bank, depositing the money from selling the rings. The guy in front of me turned around, started chatting me up. It was simple, innocent banter. He smelled really good, really clean to my sensitive nose.
He moved to the available window, did his banking, then left. He smiled at me, then left when his business was finished.
Depositing the money, I moved toward the front doors to leave. He was just outside the front doors, I could tell he was pretending to check his texts, it was obvious to me.
He looked up, smiled. He was really hot! Great smile, beautiful skin, nice teeth! Smelled good.
He asked for my number. I was a little surprised. I asked him what he wanted it for. He said, "I don't see a ring, you're single, right?" 
O my. Yes, I was!
I asked him again why he wanted my number.
He said, "You're very very pretty! I'd like to take you out, would you go out with me?'
At that point I 'fessed up. Had to ask, "Are you like, 18, or something like that?'

He sniffed, a little indignant, "I'm actually 25."
I finally got it. "Dude, I probably have pairs of socks older than you!'
He grinned, "Dam, that's hot!"

He wrote his number, I took it, called him 2 weeks later.
We started going out, that's how my preference for younger men, started.

There have been guys in their 40s, 50s, even 60s who I went out with. It didn't work. They were a bit too stuck in the past, many were still not over a divorce or 3, bitter toward women, out of shape, poor health. It was too frustrating for them, frustrating for me. 2 of them even told me I was better suited to a younger guy.

My preference is for:

Single white guys 22 - 42. Have to admit, I'm attracted to blue eyes, however, he can be just as attractive with brown or any other color.
Some guys on into their mid to late 40s attract me as long as they are not still talking about their ex wife, as long as they take care of themselves.

Labels, to me, are quite offensive. Guys have been courting, marrying women 20 to 30 years younger than them since the beginning of time.

It is a great time to be an older woman who is in fantastic physical shape, perfect health, financially stable, emotionally secure well as SINGLE!
It has become more acceptable to have an older woman/younger man relationship. When I was in Las Vegas for Christmas 2014, it was a smorgasbord of younger guys who were coming after me!
Had promised myself I would abstain. I let them chat me up, let them buy drinks for me, a lunch, a couple gifts. The attention was sweet as were the guys. They tried to kiss me, I used evasive maneuvers. 
It was just fun, to me. These hot 20 somethings had less life knowledge than I did, I took full advantage to stay true to myself, true to what I wanted for my self respect, my values, morals.

There's so much that I have to offer the right guy. Giving it away only diminishes the worth of a girl.

You see, a cougar, according to the media, goes out looking.

It's always the guys who come after me.

The sperm chases the egg. Ha ha! It's natural, biological order.

Works for me.

Laters, baby!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Go Getcho Money Money Money!!!

Just 'cause you dance on a po' that don't make you a ho'


Love this song, it's funny! To me, anyway. ya have to admit, it has a catchy rhythm to it. Drake, his music is popular. Most people won't admit they listen to him.

Here, this is my admission. And you?

When you finish I'll be waiting for you in the 'rarri.

What girl wouldn't love a guy waiting for her to take her out in a Ferrari after work?

You know I'm the only one who gets it. You can twerk while in a split. Your body rocks -n- your booty pops, I'm proud to call you my rrrrttt!

Dang! Hot mama got skills!

I think the whole point of the ditty is that, he met her in the strip club where she works and he loves her! Without conditions, without judgement. He realizes that she's a dancer, that's where he met her, that's who she is, that's what she does. 
So, he accepts her as she is, knowing who she is.

How many people can do that? Can accept their SO as they are knowing who the person is, knowing that this may be it. This may be who they are, who they will always be.
This goes for guys as well as girls.
The only time a woman should want to change a guy is when he is a baby & she is his mother. HAH!

The only time a guy should want to change a girl is when he's up for some serious frustration. Although, it seems to me,just my experience & opinion, girls seem to be more open to change than guys.
There have been a few guys I met, let's just say, a long time ago. Then FFWD to now. Funny. These guys haven't changed much. Some have gotten fatter, some have not. Yet, the phrases they say, their hair style, unless balding, has stayed the same. Girls will lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, gain weight, then, hopefully, lose it again. *smile*
They change their hair style, clothing style, etc.......that is, if they are taking care of themselves's the key, if they are happy in their life.
Just observations.

Shawty, I don't mind............

Don't mind me, I'm feeling happy ~ silly today!

Be happy, peeps!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calculated Risk

Could be dangerous......
Could be FUN!


What could possibly go wrong.

Uh oh!


Rut roh, Raggy!

Taking calculated risks can be a bit of stupidity that also turns out a great story plus a whoooooole lotta fun & laughs!
Have you ever taken one or twelve? Betcha have!
It was fun, wasn't it? You'd do it again if given the chance, wouldn't you? As for me, some of them, yes, some of them, no. Yet, glad I took the risk plus what doing it taught me about myself. Taught me that I'm strong, brave, adventurous, maybe a little naive when it comes to my own immortality.

Some people have said that I'm an innocent type of girl. Innocence may have been stretching it. Or possibly an incorrect adjective. idk.

Things I know about myself for sure ~

A bit naive
Intelligent far above average
Trusting (not as much as I used to be)
Very active
Curious about everything
Multi Faceted

That's a short list.

So, calculated risks are something I enjoy. have to be more on the DL living in a conservative small town.
Recent calculated risks:

Met up with someone I barely knew in Las Vegas for Christmas 2014
Bought 2 tickets to the Chippendale's (male strip show)
Showed up in Colorado to welcome my daughter home ~ Only my 2 gfs knew
Gave a guy from Sheppard AFB a ride to Graham. His ride didn't show at the airport. :(

Just a few recent adventures. Fun times! I've had more adventurous CRs in the past.

If you get a chance, take a chance, a calculated risk. Feel the rush!

Laters, baby!  :)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Happy June!


So, I have made some important decisions over the weekend. More on that, later. *smile*

Today is a new month, June 1st. A great time to start something new.

Right now, I'm suffering with food poisoning, my stomach feels like I'm in labor with child! UGH!
Over the weekend, I decided that June 1st was a new beginning. A new month, a new advance in health. I have been juicing 3 days per week for a few months, now.
With food poisoning, what a great time to start a juice fast, detox, get all the toxins out of my body. There's a really sweet guy, here in town, he likes me, he let me know he likes me.......a lot. I just can't go there.
He's a great guy, i just can't think of him that way. He texted me after work yesterday, wanted me to come over, he was cooking dinner. 
He's trying to learn to cook, clean, trying to learn life skills. I'm happy to help him. So far, I showed him how to cut up a whole chicken, how to organize his bathroom.
He gets points for wanting to learn how to cook.
That's where I got food poisoning. UGH! 
When he invites me over, again, at least this month, I can honestly decline, telling him I'm on a juice fast. Only juice for this month. Maybe even July if this goes well.
Am doing it for health, a leaner body. My skin already glows with health, people tell me that all the time. No makeup on my skin. I only use 3 articles of makeup. Eyeliner, lipstick, eyebrow gel, to keep them in place. The hair on my head is very baby fine. Eyebrows, too. :(.
With juicing mostly cucumbers, carrots, ginger, parsley, beets in the last 3 months, my hair is growing, my nails are harder, growing faster, my skin.........OMG, what wondrous things juicing is doing for my skin! Love it.

So, if juicing 3 days per week is doing this, well, doing a 30 day juice fast will be awesome.
Hope I can stick to it.


Morning - 4 cucumbers + 1/2" ginger root
               1 lb carrots + 2 bunches of parsley

Mid day - 1 lb strawberries + 1 lb raspberries + 1 pint blueberries

Evening - 2 lbs strawberries + 1 scoop of protein powder

My stomach is hurting, it's from food poisoning. J told me AFTER WE ATE dinner on Sunday that he had forgotten to put the chicken away when he got home Saturday afternoon. It was raw. He said it was still slightly cold, Sunday at 10 am. So,he thought it would be just fine. He cooked it for dinner! UGH!

I, hereby, crown him ~ Salmonella Sam! 


Stay tuned.

Laters, baby! ;)


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