Saturday, August 10, 2019

Bienvenue à mes amis en France!

To my new audience en France'!

Welcome, you honor me with your readership!

While I lived in Kaiserslautern, Deutscheland, 
I grocery as well as "other" shopped en France'!

I had a great deal of enjoyment, shopping in Cora, having my bras & panties custom constructed in Bitche'. It was pure pleasure.

The time I spent in France was very memorable. The misty spring morning I walked under le Tour Eiffel was so very memorable! Eating a cranberry gelato, looking up in wonderment. I even bought a watercolor from a sidewalk artist. Typical tourist? Mais oui!

Tonight, when I saw that I have readers in France, I was very delighted. French is my favorite language. France was the most memorable country of all of my travels. I traveled a lot!

My friends in France : 
I love your country!!!
I love your parfum, even l'eau de toilette.
I love your food!
I love the beautiful sound of your accent!
I love your accent to your language!

Maybe it has a slight bit to do with being born on Bastille Day!

Whatever it is that I love about your beautiful country, I hope you enjoy my personal blog.

Calins & Appreciation mes amis!


  1. I adore everything French, as well. In high school I took two years of French and received A's.



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