Thursday, August 22, 2019

Game Changer

The subject in this blog entry has puzzled me for awhile.

Influencers in the world who think they are putting positive messages out there which are phrased in the negative.

Today will be added to history...….or at least cause a few people to think. To think of your thoughts, maybe ask yourself questions.

The worlds people often speak in the negative. It's what children hear from a very new-to-life age. Speaking in the negative.

Is it a small thing that can have great impact?


Most certainly, speaking, thinking, writing, constructing art with words phrased in the negative has impact.
It takes practice to think, write as well as speak in the positive. 

Several years ago, it became necessary for me, to begin to train myself to speak, write, think in the positive. From the time of being a newborn, I was exposed, as nearly everyone is, to negative speech, written words, even negative attitudes bordering on hostile.

I decided to change.

It took effort, being more conscious of my thoughts first as well as foremost. Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become deeds. Deeds & words make up a whole life.

In the process, replacing negative words with positive words & phrases was, still is, paramount to this small yet important endeavor!

When I'm surfing the net, I see it, all the time. 

People will post memes, trying to get a positive point across, yet, the very words of the memes, sometimes even their own words, invariably, are phrased in the negative.

Dear peeps, positive thinking, reading, writing makes big impact!

Time to be positive. You got this. You can do this. Trust yourself.

Even those memes posted by people who are trying to communicate a positive constructive message, are phrased in the negative.
It seems dangerously counter-productive.

In training my mind to think in the positive, I began to eliminate, as much as possible, negative phrasing.
I may have missed a few, I'm human.
I reserve the right to be wrong. I can own up to errors.

This is the short list:


A very short list, indeed. Also, a good place to start.

When a persons thoughts, inside their head, where only they can hear the running dialogue, it is often a diatribe. Often, it is the person themselves, railing at themselves for something they said or something they may have done.
Self talk can be a best friend or an enemy.

You have the power, you have the ammo! You have the script, the canvas is empty, you have the brush & paint to make it better!

If you start changing your phrases inside your mind to speak to yourself as you would to someone beloved by you, it can make a very powerfully positive change in your life.

Perhaps you could start by taking 5 minutes each day for 7 days, being conscious of your thoughts, speaking, writing. Being vigilant to phrase in the positive.
In the following 7 days, do the same for just 10 minutes per day.

If you're the go hard or go home type (love those!) then, by all means, start with 1 hour instead of 5 minutes, increasing it to 2 hours in week two. Then, so on.

Keep increasing by an additional hour every 7 days.

According to science, it takes, on average, 66 days for a person to form a habit. If you can keep re-forming your thoughts, speech, writing, deeds, you will become a more positive person in approximately 66 days. It can change your life!

Caveat ~ Reframing your thoughts & actions to the positive will make you more sensitive to the negativity around you. You might even turn away from those people you were previously unaware, were bringing you into a less than positive state of being.

Additionally, your tastes in music, media consumption, even some foods, will begin to change. So much more!

As a sensitive intuitive, when I began this transformative process I became sensitive to color, darkness, gloomy music, negative words in my media consumption.

In truth, I wanted to sing it out to everyone! I had swallowed the proverbial "red pill" if you will, I wanted so passionately (my passionate nature sometimes bites me in the okole) to share this wondrous way of being with EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

Most people are less than further along in this desire as I was.

Most people shy away from change or something that they have skipped the memo, on.

It's easier to muck around in the mire that is negative thinking, constant anxiety, woe is me. 

Changing your thinking is available to every person who is 6 feet above ground. Everyone can do this when they choose to do it!

On this day, I wish to give you a bonus!

You can use this or you can develop your own mantra.

When a person is trying to change a detrimental something into a positive something, it is crucial to replace the former with the latter. When a negative thought just begins to bud in your mind, replace it with one of these or develop your own.


I can do this, this is who I am, a positive person.

The world is a beautiful place.

Life is going to be different for me as I change, as I grow.

Transformation from a grub to a butterfly is how I roll!

This is a good place to start!


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