Sunday, August 25, 2019

Garbage Dumps & Temples

When you saw the title of this blog, did any lil thing come to mind?

Did the correlation come to you as a feeling of happiness? or satisfaction? (Mick Jagger can't get none) or guilt? or curiosity?

It amazes me to see that people who talk of God, heaven, angels, sin, evil, devils, etc, think it's okay to have the  practice of polluting their bodies with garbage.
Whether it be junk food, processed chemicalized food (not really food) alcohol & excessive alcohol, substances that dull the mind & senses.
The list is long!

Excessive sugar
Excessive salt

While taking in substances whether moderate or excessive are harmful, not getting enough of others is also contrary to Scriptures, contrary to the commands of our Heavenly Father.

Most people who would not consume these substances, would never place a weight on their bed to insure it's constantly in use, will neglect their health with a lack of sleep, with over worked bodies.
The workaholics, the people who are constantly in "GO" mode, might as well be consuming alcohol when living in a constant state of sleep deprivation.
In fact, less than 7 hours nightly, is asking for future problems.

Some of us ARE living this way or know of others who are living this way.

Both unhealthy food & beverage as well as lack of adequate rest are just as damaging. Just as important as the command from Heavenly father to treat our bodies as temples. If a person deprives themselves of adequate sleep might as well start smoking, start consuming copious amounts of alcohol. The damage is the same.

1Corinthians 6: 19 - 20.

Oh, people can skirt the issue as much as they wish. Right is still right, wrong is still wrong whether it's acknowledged or denied.

Being less of a religious person, more of a spiritual person, I see the wisdom in this. 

The wisdom that is put in all of us, to rest when our bodies tell us to rest is actually more of a spiritual principle. A command from the Bible therefore a command from Heaven, often ignored by people who proclaim themselves as Christians, followers of Jesus Christ. To ignore this simple principle will bring health problems.

If you had a beautiful home, then, kept a whirr of activity going on in it 24/7 for many decades, it would surely fall into premature decay, sure ruin. 

This is something to consider.

Human beings are created that we would have joy. Failing in following simple commands in the healthy care of these bodies on loan from our Creator, is to sin against ourselves.

Have I been guilty of this? Of course, not. LOL. Yes, I have.
Am I still guilty of this? Less so in present day, I'm a work in progress. Still, working on remaining conscious of the ways I treat this vessel on loan from heaven. 
Striving for a more heavenly body.

In this world where the love of money has caused corporations to pervert the very sustenance they sell, in packaging that is so appealing. The beauty of the exterior disguises the poison inside.

It has been many years, many generations, since people began to consume chemicalized, more commonly known as processed substances referred to as "food".

Many people either don't know how to feed their temple in a healthy way or they don't want to know. Turning to the healthy life practices to care for our temples is to be the proverbial salmon, using last struggles to swim upstream. Salmon will die after a relatively short life, no matter what they do. 

Isn't it great to be a human with choices?

Garbage dump or Temple?

(Let that sink in)

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