Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Got Pictures?

It's all the rage, darlings!

When recounting a moment, an adventure or simply a concept, often, people have asked if I have pictures of it. The knee-jerk reaction in me is ~ "Do you think I'm lying?"
Refraining from asking the question because the answer might infuriate me. Might disappoint or simply annoy!

Having had some quite surprising adventures, I glory in the moment, imprint it upon my memory. It's less so that I am unwilling to completely share.
The simple truth is that I loathe taking photos or even being photogged! 

Theory #1 - Perhaps this comes from far back in childhood. Often times my mother would tell me she didn't want to take a photo of me. Her cruel reasoning was because I was, in her opinion, too ugly, too fat, too skinny, too something. Sometimes she simply ignored my request. In her defense, it's quite common for a childs pleas to "watch me" or "take my picture!" to be ignored on the grounds of, it's just annoying!

Theory #2 - As a first term AMN in the USAF, I kinda sorta stumbled upon becoming a free lance model. The story is long, tedious, sounds a bit too self important, so, we shall skip it. tyvm. 
It became a bit of a problem when my military commander saw some of the photos & was less than pleased.
Also, many of the guys on the base where I was, started snapping photos of me at random!
Keep in mind that although I was the 15th SPS Youth Festival Rep for queen of the festival, this chik was a minor, even less than minor celbrity! Take it down a notch, yeah, less than that!
Always the humble, fun loving, small town girl who got out!
Way out!
The cameras would pop up along with their operators, often frightening the bejesus out of me!

Theory # 3 - People in today's world are photo obsessed! Add to that, video obsessed. Just because they can.
Many people seem to have a sense of entitlement. They have the means therefore they have the right to video or snap anywhere, of anyone & anything they wish simply because they wish to.
Isn't that the spirit of self entitlement?
When the subject or victim, as it were, requests to be left out of the video or photo, said requests are often met with vehement berating. Yes, berating.
Personally been there, personally had the experience.
Add to the demands & berating, the fact that the video & photos will most likely be plastered all over the internet!
Even when the perp promises to keep it private. The odds are 80/20 with the internet posting being 80% it will be posted.

Perhaps, it is that the begging, nagging, pleading is irksome.

Perhaps it is that I have had stalkers who may find the pictures, do some creative wanking, then resume stalking me.

Perhaps, I like my privacy?

Ya think?

For whatever reasons or "perhaps-es", it's better to show some respect, some courtesy. When a request to please respect & refrain, within reason, maybe ya oughtta respect & refrain ? JS!

Another option might be to ask permission first with less cajoling, begging in the moment or in future, refrain from the "throwing in the face" tactic, "Well, you allowed it 2 years ago!"  😁

Hey, can I get a selfie with you?


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