Monday, September 26, 2016


Would you consider yourself spiritual or religious? Or both?
There are no right or wrong answers.
You is who you is.
Just fine, just as you are.

Of course, there are more than 3 different ways to be. Atheist, agnostic, non-denom or any combination including other religions, beliefs, practices. We live in a very diverse world.

Just as a mammals egg begins as a small, single cell. When fertilized it divides and divides and divides. So, it goes, with the world we live in. Especially since the technology explosion which keeps diversifying. Many people make their technology their life vs using technology to enhance their life. Can't go 1 day without getting on their cell phone to check social media, Google, music, sports scores. 
That's an exaggeration!
Many people can't go without checking their phone for 1 hour unless it's enforced upon them by other forces.

A body checking their phone will remain tethered to their phone unless acted upon by other forces.
Ha ha, yup!

I enjoy technology, yet, it rules my life far less than others I see around me. I love to get out in nature, walking around the lake, being inside my head during my cardio at the gym.
I enjoy quiet meditation with little interruption from a cell phone signaling me that I have a text, a phone call, an update from social media.

Meditation can be done anywhere. I used to go into a trance-like state while feeling the warm, soapy water, washing dishes by hand or rinsing well to prep them for the dish-washer. Looking outside at the trees being blown by the wind, birds flying through the sky, butterflies floating by with very little cares in the world.

There's a reason why there is often a window in front of a kitchen sink!
You could say that I made the most of it.
Did you ever think of it that way? 
Fresh perspective, here. 

Throughout my day, I'm constantly asking myself questions inside my head. 
Why is that person so sad?
What is the mechanism inside this machine that makes it work?
How did I get light green eyes?
What are the colors that mixed to make that beautiful new color?
If I touched that, how would it feel?

I am deeply curious, have burning curiosity.

Contrary to the popular colloquialism, the cat that was curious had some very exciting adventures!

Many statements I have heard seem to be thrust out there to put the kibosh on curiosity, creativity, inventiveness. Those limiting beliefs & statements only served to make me even more curious than I already was, even more curious, even in present day.

The metaphysical world is a natural world that Hollyweird has perverted, re-invented, put a false spin on a beautiful aspect of this human experience. I believe otherwise.

Personally? I would say that I am more spiritual than religious. I feel the presence of these forces, constantly. A soft, gentle, still voice speaks to me, daily. Helping me to make good choices, to discern what is going on vs what appears to be happening, to know, for myself what something is instead of what other people say it is.

Those times when I did not listen resulted in deep emotional pain.

I learned to listen.

As an intuitive person, I feel the energy of other people around me, I feel more than I show that I'm feeling. I know more than I speak of. I hear more than what a person is saying, deeper, into what they are not saying. As a linguist, I hear the persons voice. Their tones, their undertones, their joy, their pain, their peace.

Are you smellin' what I'm stepping in?

Maybe it's my Native American heritage. 

This intuitive nature has a price, though. Being spiritually sensitive makes me emotionally sensitive, tender hearted, call it what you wish. It has its' price.
Early in life I was so sensitive that I was easily moved to tears by even a slightly unkind word, even a slightly angry look from anyone. Maybe, this is what made me love my Grandfather Kendall so much. He was a gentle giant. Soft spoken, kind yet firm, he was as honest with me with his words as he was with his actions. 

He was the first person to verbally recognize that I was a sensitive child.

He warned my mother to be more careful with me. She didn't listen, yet, her father did chastise her when they both thought I couldn't hear. I heard. She heard him, yet, did not heed his counsel.
And so, it went.

I had to learn to continuously assert my boundaries, while others constantly tried to force their will upon me. It was difficult.

In present day, as I reflect upon experiences of a spiritual nature, I have come to realize that many people wish for those experiences which I have had. Realizing that these experiences can be had by anyone who is willing to allow them.
I wonder, could they handle the price?
These people have the option which I lack. Spiritual inspiration is something within me that is on, all the time. 
The on/off switch is absent from my personal makeup.
This means that I do, for sure, have personal boundaries, yet, the spiritual aspect is on, within me, 24/7.
Boundaries are an aspect which I had to develop later in life than many other people. It took a great deal of pain, time, work, introspection, yet, putting boundaries in place was done.
DON'T SAY IT! Ha ha!
(Better late than never)

Monday musings inside my head before my sweat sesh at the gym in my quest for a killer bod.


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