Thursday, September 22, 2016

Anger Management?

For centuries the world has been a male dominated place. A place where men reigned supreme while up until 100 years ago, even in the USA, females were regarded as property.

In many places in the world today, females are considered as property or of inferior value. When compared to the value of a male child vs a female child newborn, most cultures place more value on a male child.

I, myself experienced this after giving birth to 2 female children, their father was disappointed. He wanted a son, very much. He was at the happiest I had ever seen him, after my son was born. 
I was off the proverbial hook.

Maybe guys think it proves how manly they are when their wife gives birth to a boy? or Several male children? Maybe it makes him feel like less of a man if he only sires female children?
Untwist your boxer briefs, I'm simply speculating. :)

There may be some truth to a more masculine man having more sons born to he and his wife than daughters.
In my experience, I have noticed that when there is a great deal of passion between a guy and his wife, maybe the vigorous, passionate sex releases the swimmers closer to the woman's eggs. Therefore, the sperm will have less work, less distance to travel to fertilize their target. In fertility studies, the facts have shown that the sperm which will produce a male child are somewhat slower, even "lazy" if you will. So, with passionate, vigorous sex, the male producing sperm will have more of a head start, increasing their chances. 

Ex-huzz was really angry with me when my son was conceived. Just sayin.'

Maybe, it's the higher testosterone guys who produce more male children or a low testosterone guy & some good ol' angry, make-up sex! Ha ha!

I digress.

Male children are valued above female children all over the world whether the guys admit it or not.

The huge influx of Chinese girls adopted in the USA as well as other countries proves this to be true at least for the Chinese people. It's extremely rare to see an adopted Chinese boy. It does happen.

For many years the males of the world have enjoyed a dominant position in business, in the military, in professions such as law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs.

However, the acceptance of females in these professions has only come about in the past 150 years and had to be forced to bring it about.
There are still problems with sexual harassment, rape, bullying among the males who feel uncomfortable with females in their chosen profession.

I'm getting to the main point.

I have noticed an anger in males toward females, lately.

Males in their late teens, early 20s and sometimes on into their 30s.
Even my own son posts repeated misogynistic videos, memes, etc on his FB page, much to my sorrow.
I certainly didn't raise him that way.

Males in these age groups are required to live in a world which is male dominated to a lesser degree than at any time in history. 
The behaviors which their grandfathers exhibited to keep females in their place, no longer are allowed. Those behaviors are even illegal in many countries all over the world.
Not practicing Muslim nations, their females are still under tight control of their fathers, husbands, brothers, even, sometimes, their own sons.

Glad I am a citizen of the USA. I would have been put to death long ago under Islamic rules. I have a warrior spirit.

When I see the anger against females from the age group I mentioned, by males. It's very sad.
Maybe 3 - 4 generations in the future, the misogyny will be replaced with healthy chivalry, with understanding.
Maybe, 3-4 generations in the future, the males will not be so angry when they understand that females are to be loved, cherished and not to be used as ~

~A band-aid to escape an unhappy marriage
~A sexual plaything to be used then discarded
~A threat to his masculinity
~A source of anger & frustration
~An escape from reality

I am that feminine, girly type who loves guys. However, my experiences with males has taught me that it's not safe to love a guy or care about him. It's not safe to be alone with him in an enclosed area such as his home, my home or a hotel room or even any enclosed area.

I started out in my late teens believing that all people were good. 
Because I was.
I believed that people meant what they said.
Because I did.
I believed that all people wanted to be loved & cared about, if they said they loved me, they did.
Because I was that way.

The males I have come into contact with have shown me that none of these are true. Males have shown me the ugly side of what it is to be a male person.

They have shown me that males lie constantly to get whatever it is they want. They will say anything, do anything, to accomplish their agenda. The males I have known have shown me that cheating on his wife and kids is just part of life. Just good clean fun.

These actions are actually very damning to families, to individuals, to the society we live in.

I lived, I learned.

I learned to stop believing peoples words as well as, often, their actions.
Sincerity can be faked so easily.

I learned that no one can be trusted until they have displayed trustworthiness, repeatedly over a period of months, not days.

I learned that so many females have become so fed up with the damaging actions of  males. Now that they have the freedom, they are beginning to act in the same damaging way males have always acted.

It's just as damaging whether it's a female cheater, liar, deceiver as it is when a male perpetrates this evil upon other people.

When I see these males 15 - 40 spouting woman hate, I know it's just the beginning of the male adjustment to females and males moving toward an understanding of each other.
Growing pains.

That's exactly what it is.
Growing pains to bring about change.

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