Thursday, September 8, 2016

I know the way.... sometimes!

When a person has taken an ocean cruise or a trip to a specified destination or even, simply, done something out of the mundane, they, often talk about it.
At least, they talk of the experience in the way in which they perceived it, how it made them feel. What it was like for them, specifically, in their personal recollection.

When a person allows themselves to fully live, to experience what moves into their path in life or maybe just in peripheral, it shapes, it molds, changes them. Hopefully, with minimal damage.
Although, damage is, sometimes, part of the human experience, as well. 

All people who have let themselves fully live, endure some form of damage, acquire baggage to some degree. 
What is baggage?

Baggage is what a person chooses to hang onto. It is a choice. 

To hang onto hurts, pains, physical and/or emotional pain, you really do have a choice.

Oh, I'm not going to go into the cliche', holding a grudge is like.....
Holding the pain inside is......

What is NOT baggage?

Happy memories
Mementos of a sentimental nature
Physical scars which have healed

The phrase ~
"If you want something to heal, you must stop touching it."

It rings so true.

Many people have the sadness of unfinished business that they carry around. The disappointing relationships which they repeat the story of, at every opportunity. 
I have been guilty of this, myself, in the past.
No more.
If you want to stop hurting from an emotional wound, you must move forward, leave it alone. Let it heal, give yourself this gift.
Get professional help from a trained professional counselor if you need it, yet, let yourself move forward.

So, because I have lived past the age of 10 years, I have experienced a lot, done many things fearlessly. Sometimes, fearfully, yet, I went into them, knowing the danger.
I was going to LIVE! Dang it! *smile*

Sometimes, an endeavor or event turned out just as I thought it would, more often? It was fraught with surprises, just the way I like it. I lived, learned, learned what I wanted more of, other things I learned the lesson, content with the memory of it.

As I moved around, living in different places, talking with different people, it came to my attention that I had done more in my life in the time I have than most people I met of all different ages. In the military, it's said to never volunteer, um, I volunteered. It took me to some enriching experiences.
Some experiences, I would like to forget.
With my incredibly sharp memory, that's less possible.
Many experiences, I cherish.

Having gone many places, done a lot of things, there are many stories of personal adventures inside me. Some, I have shared with others, many are better off left unshared.

With so much life experience, I can say, I know how to do many wonderful things. As a very feminine person, much of it is of a domestic nature such as ~

Cooking from scratch without a recipe
Baking bread & bread products (donuts, cinnamon rolls, cream cheese danish, bagels, croissant, biscuits, dinner rolls)
Constructing clothing without a sewing pattern
Basic sewing
Textile stain removal
Ceramic item construction
Growing herbs from seed

Then, there are the other skills I have acquired~

How to lose an extreme amount of body weight, naturally
(yes, I have done this, no surgery or pills, required)
Change the oil on my car
Change a flat tire on my car
Map reading
Physical healing with natural remedies

In addition to this, I have learned how to stop the desire to have a mate in my life. 
Having heard many other girls whine & pine for a guy in their life, I wish I could show them how I have come to this point. It did take pain, time, effort, to do this. I'm a healthier, happier person, since I learned to quash this desire which is a natural part of being human.
Part of it was the pain of 2012. The other part is strengthening my mind to think along a different path. Allowing different neuron paths to form.

This is a far cry from being a femi-nazi.

I will always need a man, will always need men in my life. Will always be appreciative of the male nature. It's a part of me.

I have learned to be happy, over the top happy, just as I am. Just me, myself, my own company. Guys are more of a sweet piece of the pie, the whole pie IS the happiness of life.

We all have to find our way to be happy, standing alone. I wish I could show other girls this.

For now?

I know the way.

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