Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Missing Gene

Wherever you are, out there, in the world, hope you're having a good day!
Are you?
Hope so.

I hear so many people talk of how they are looking forward to their kids having kids.
The dreaded "G" word, as in grandparents.
I'm missing the "G" gene.
I must be. I have never been one of those people who looked forward to being a "G". It doesn't thrill me, it doesn't sadden me. There's just a feeling of ~ meh. 

Possibly, it's because I did 90% of the work in raising my own children. Ex-huzz went to sleep and left me to do the work in getting Christmas ready, getting Birthdays put together, the work in raising the children. He was so immature, he was more like a child than he ever was, a father or even a man. Except when it came to making more babies. He was all about that. He wanted to be "friends" with the kiddos. No bueno.

Being friends with your children AFTER they have moved out of the home and are fully self supporting is when the "being friends" should happen.
Telling a "friend" that they have to finish their homework or pick their wet towels up off the floor doesn't work. Better to be a responsible PARENT.
So often, I felt like I was the only adult in the home. 

I'm happy that I had all of my kiddos at a young age, as, now, I'm free to enjoy life without worrying about them. Nope, I don't worry very much. Well, maybe just a little.

So, I am not one of those women who wants to be a "G".

My kiddos can pop all the babies they wish, out into the the world. Since I rarely see my own kiddos, this means there will be very small chance of ever getting to know their kiddos. They all live far away from me.
How can I care about someone I don't know? It's really reaching to expect someone to care about another person of any age when they have not spent much time with them. Then, there's the dynamic of your kids with-holding contact with their kids because your kiddos become displeased with something the "G" said or did.

This is an age when all of my kiddos are spread out all over the country. I only make as much effort to keep in touch as they do. My youngest and I talk on the phone nearly every Sunday, yet, see each other briefly every couple years. The other three are busy with their lives. I will never be the mother who cries about her kids not keeping in touch. If they truly love me they will keep in touch, if they don't then they won't keep in touch.
There's lots of time for sad regret after my death. 
These are the facts.

Add to this, all the negative connotations on the words ~ 

There is ~

"That dress looks so grandma on you"
"Come on grandma, speed up"
(when a person is driving at the speed limit)
"Eeww! That smells like a grandma"

A title that used to have connotative respect, revering someone in their status.
It's more of an insult than it is a statement of respect. 

Sometimes, I think that I had to do so much work, taking care of my 4 kiddos plus several of everyone else's children, taking care of a selfish man who was more like having another child ~ I'm just burned out on getting all excited about babies.

The times when I have seen the kiddos my one daughter has was fun, yet, I can count on one hand the number of times that has been.
Tough to get attached or excited about something you don't have.

Maybe I'm just missing the "G" gene.

I feel so much like a kid myself, right now. I know my actual chronological age, yet, I feel as if I'm around 25. Not in acting like a child or the immature way so many people try to dress like a teenager when they are well past that stage of life.

It's more about seeing the wonder of the world around me. It's more about retaining a child like curiosity about everything in life.

I feel as if I have my whole life ahead of me.

A life of discovery, new experiences, new things to try, traveling to be done. 
Not necessarily a child, yet, a child like wonder about the world!

Get out there, be brave, explore, be a free spirit!


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