Friday, June 24, 2016

Being a Man Part II

(In the USA)

Hello out there! Hoping this finds y'all happy, healthy, fulfilled in your life. Truly caring about everyone is an integral part of my nature, it has also been a slight downfall at times.

In the USA, the feminization of males, stifling the very nature of what it is to be male, is obvious to me. It's rather sad. Females are protected now, more than ever, yet, at what cost?

The cost is the dumbing down of America, the confusion in boys as to what they should do, how to act. It sends mixed signals. BE A MAN....yet, not too much of a man. BE STRONG, DON'T CRY.....yet, also be nurturing, kind, sweet!

Eff that noise!

It can be very challenging for a male of 12 - 18, just coming into manhood. Especially if he has an absent father. No role model to show him the way to be a man, true to his nature without getting into trouble with the law or the feminazis.


I told you, I truly do understand. Makes me glad I'm a girl!

When socializing in singles groups, I hear talk from guys which is so disturbing. Disturbing, because it's so far off base, so incorrect, it's sad. There is no point in arguing with them.

I'm a lover, not a fighter!

These single guys have been misled to believe the 50/50 duping product of public schools combined with media hype. Throw in all the psychiatric babble, it creates such a mess of confusion.

Males have lost the treasure of knowledge that with a good woman at his side, she can inspire him to reach toward his full potential not only as a person, yet, also as a man.

These wonderful guys have been misled to label the inspiration of a good woman as controlling him. This is so far from true.

Hearing them say that they had to achieve whatever they achieve all on their own with their own ideas, their own motivation is a media babble construct. This attitude only prevents them from achieving their life goals.

Here's a newsflash!

Men need women.
Women need men.

A simple concept that has been trampled upon, denied, put down, it causes gender hate for sure. It seems to produce resentment from males toward females. Females toward males.
It's all part of an evil force to destroy families.
This same evil force tells guys to go out there, spread your sperm. Do as many hit it, quit its as you can. Say whatever you think will get you into her panties. Mix lies with truth so she's so confused, she has no idea who you are or what to believe.

Pretty slick, hmm?

The other assorted lies that are perpetuated with males are telling the guys, even if you marry a woman? You can still get out there tom-catting around as if you were single. It's okay!
Have an "open marriage" or "open relationship". It's cool!

These married or committed males create man haters out of girls who really believed in love & good men initially. Then, the sad, damaging truth was proved to them by the man-sluts that 99% of guys married or single are little more than a penis with a pulse. A basic sperm spreader, emotionally immature, insecure, deeply selfish with only one thing on his mind. Sex.

Females have come to lowering themselves by the duping of the media that they have "sexual needs." Love is equated with sex, sex is one of the "gotta have it" or they are incomplete women.

In psychological terms, women are not hard wired to seek out sex, sexual partners or regular sexual acts outside of a relationship. Sexual acts outside of a committed relationship puts her at risk in a multitude of ways. It's also very damaging, emotionally, for her to engage in sexual activity with a high number of males throughout her life or even all at once. Yet, after the duping of the media, of the casual sex culture, she goes out there, having sex like a male would, against her nature.

The sperm spreader mindset of the males goes to high alert status. OH BOY! THIS IS GREAT! He tells himself.
It's a lie.
A very effective one, yet, still a self damaging lie.

Using females over and over and over, blurs his attitude toward them. It dims his vision of the man he is simultaneously dims his vision of the man he could be, the man he was meant to be.

This also dims his vision of women, of them as fellow human beings, as someone, who, by having her in his life, could aid him in becoming so much more.

Women are, by nature, nurturers. They give birth, then, they have the capability to feed their child with sustenance from their breasts for several months.

Males are, by nature, protectors, providers. It might sound naïve of me, yet, so be it.
Males know, by instinct, that females are to be pursued, then protected, provided for, loved, cherished. The whole casual sex plus infidelity culture goes against his instinct. It threatens families, it threatens the very survival of the human species.

What? You don't think guys are supposed to pursue?
Do you ever see human females eggs hopping out of their
hoo-hoo, in search of sperm. They don't naturally do this.

It's the sperm, catapulting out, searching for an egg!

Basic biological order of humans is that sperm chases the egg.

No one can argue this, it's a basic fact!

With all the confusing verbiage out there, it's no wonder that many guys in todays world (USA) are confused about their role in life. Are being allowed to switch or choose gender as young as 5 years of age. UGH!

Maybe it's the alpha female which I am, that makes me feel sad for how tough things are for guys to be true to their masculine nature. A weak male won't cut it with me. I have stayed single by choice instead of settling for a Beta male or even Charlie!

Prince Charlie! Ha ha ha ha ha!

A guy who can navigate his way through the feminization in childhood, the gender role confusion in the media while adhering to laws, is a very smart guy! Alpha male! Yumm!

Myself, I opted out of dating. I saw myself falling into the gender hate that many females around me were falling into.

Disengaging myself from the dating world, I became more of who I truly am, again.
A woman who loves men.
Not just any man.
There are males by gender, born with male genitals.
A man, one who is true to himself, he's secure, confident, he has self respect first, respect for others, second. He knows his position as a man in the world. He knows that women are people who he must protect, provide for his own, show her his loving sensitive side, yet only her, as the woman at his side, in his life.

The world can be a dismal place. Life can be very bland without the one you love in your life, at your side.

These views are my own. You might agree or disagree.

I love men! Be true to yourself, as a man,be true to your instinct, let it guide you, as a man in the world. Let the intelligent mind between your ears be your ruler.


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