Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Being a man

If you hang around a group of girls long enough, you'll hear it.

*Where are the good men?*
*There are no good men, anymore.*
*All the good men are taken.*


If you look in any mens room there are men, there, even some men in the womens rooms too ~ ick!

When I ask a group of girls having a "I wish I had a boyfriend" fest, sometimes I will ask them.
"What makes a man a good man?"
"Where do you suppose the good men are?"
"If you want to find a good man, are you a good woman?"

Usually, this is greeted with one of 2 reactions.

1. Deer in the headlights look.
2. A flutter of verbal protests.

In todays world, mainly in the USA, it is tough to be a "good man". Doing what happens naturally for a man is either socially unacceptable, illegal or will be met with extreme disgust by girls as well as many feminized guys.
What is a guy supposed to do?
The feminazi  movement started out with honest intent to protect women in the workplace from sexual predators. Also, to ask for a shoring up of the extreme pay gap.

Somewhere along the line, the feminazis crossed a line. In todays world they over protect women, while seeking to severely stifle guys. This starts very early to indoctrinate boys in kindergarden.
Yep, it starts earlier in some venues, yet is most noticeable when a boy starts his formal education.

Boys, for the most part, have an over abundance of physical energy. They typically run everywhere they go, they push each other in play, they throw things hard & enjoy making as much noise as possible. Personally? I love this! It's adorable to me! It's what sets them apart from an early age, born to be a man someday.

Maybe it's understandable and admired by me as I loved the stark difference in my son after having 2 daughters. He was all boy from the very start, ran everywhere he went, everything could be instantly transformed into a gun in his all boy mind. *smile*

Beginning in Kindergarden, the children have to sit still, have to listen. Much easier for most girls, more challenging for most boys.

Then, starting in 1st Grade, they must sit still all day with very little time to run, jump, MOVE AROUND!
Yet, they had better not make noise or push each other, even in play, that's a big no-no!
Recesses to go outside to expend excess energy used to be 3 per day. Morning recess, lunch recess, afternoon recess right before going home.
One recess per day is the standard.
Although P.E. (Physical Education) has been added, it's so structured, it benefits mostly girls. The boys have to cope with their excess energy the best they can or face consequences. So sad.
This is only the beginning of the feminization of boys.

I could go on and on through to High School graduation on the many ways guys are very subtly feminized.

A 2 week trip to Scotland, UK was such an eye opener. Yes, the Scottish men may wear kilts, which many do so in commando with great pride. There is a whole range in formality of kilts. Just as there is a whole range of casual & formal trousers. Many Scottish men will wear a more casual kilt which is sometimes worn with a TShirt as a pair of jeans are worn. Maybe commando or not as I found. Scottish men are happy to lift their kilt for a "looky see." I will simply tell you I found this out first hand, the proud Scots who enjoyed shocking me were also, ummm, ....au natural. Uncut.  ;)

Scottish men, from my observation, were very masculine. They had not been feminized so they were very unapologetically MEN! It was refreshing to see this. When arriving back in the USA, it drove home to me the stark difference in the way Scottish men were unfeminized, so, had much more appeal, most also had much more confidence.
When sitting, they also did a much more stretched out man spread.

Maybe another reason I can understand guys a bit better than most women is because I have always had higher natural testosterone than most women do.
It's part of my personality. Makes me a higher energy person.

In todays world, guys who have higher testosterone often have difficulty controlling their aggression. They may go to prison for crimes they commit. Many also go into the military. Hence, the abundance of Alpha males in the military.
Even within a more forgiving, more action oriented setting with structure, high-T guys can get into trouble.

Q: Where are all the good men?
A: Everywhere.

Q: There are no good men anymore?
A: There are many good men, struggling to adjust while still being true to themselves.

Q: All the good men are taken?
A: Not all. So are many of the undesirable men.

The best thing women, who are looking, can do is to be a good woman. Focus on yourself. Self improvement, what is supposed to happen will always find a way.

Not looking!
I have Gym, he's the best!

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