Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Is Sexuality So Bad?


Don't confuse being raunchy or tasteless with a playful attitude of sexuality. The French have a word for girls who have a healthy, playful attitude with a sweet smooth veneer of feminine charms that draw men to them, in fascination.


The French word for a rooster with the bright plumage, except it's the female version. Picture a flamboyant little female bird, flitting about, sweetly teasing the male birds with her feathers.


Think of the cartoon Disney movie of Beauty and The Beast. The cartoon character of the feather duster with her sweet French accent, her soft playful voice. She lured the candle holder, Lumiere, in. Once he attempted to get her to follow through, she protested sweetly, so sweetly, he obliged her.


Perhaps, the male version of this would be a Player?
Ladies Man


Isn't it odd that the male terms are regarded as slightly more toward derogatory whereas, coquette sounds harmless or cute?

A possible explanation could be that (bear with me, this may sound a bit sexist)  women are most often wired to be a bit more emotional. Most men are wired to be a bit more physical.

Whereas a coquette is engaging in light flirting which tends to delight as well as compliment guys. The actions of a "Player", playing with a girl, toying with her emotions, can be quite damaging to her. A girl who is still unsure as to how to "play the game" can become very distraught at the actions of a "Player".

I digress.

People watching is a fascinating pass time activity. Although the coquettish actions as well as those of a player are more overt than covert in todays world. It's still fun to observe !!!!!

People who subtly slide their toe over the line in what is seen as over-kill, sexuality, are heavily criticized.

You don't believe me?

* Prince - Cream, Darling Nicki, Little Red Corvette
* Michael Jackson - Crotch grab!
* Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake - Wardrobe malfunction

Though these are fairly recent within 10 years, they created quite a conundrum right out in a public world view.

Oh NO! A nipple showed, whatever shall we do?
There he goes, grabbing his crotch, cover little Susie's eyes!
The music of Prince was the very reason parental advisory warnings were created.

There's also the outcry of male voices stating that when a girl is raped, she was "asking for it". Most often, rape victims are the ones dressed the least provocatively, those don't make the news.

Sexuality is simply a slightly stronger force emanating from some people more than others. We feel it deeper, it overflows to the outside, containing it can be tricky!  ;)
Whether male or female, those of us with a more pleasing pheromone level, maybe higher testosterone, tend to act in a certain way that can be construed as sexual. It's often in the way a person walks.
The sound of their voice.
Their mannerisms.
Ever heard, when you got "IT", you've got it.
When you're hot, you're hot.

It's something very natural, very subconscious that many people do that draws others to them. This je ne sais quoi that some people have. It makes them easy to remember, very very unforgettable. It cannot be duplicated by another with the same effect. It must be original to the one with the je ne sais pas.

A few examples:

Marilyn Monroe impersonators - Not even close!
Elvis Presley impersonators - There was only one King!
Ronald Reagan - Greatest POTUS. None as good, since.

So, this quality, so endearing, so undefinable, so incredibly charismatic yet unique to each individual often leaves an impression on a friend, a lover, a classmate, long after the physical association has ended.
Hence, the high number of former lovers, former classmates, former co-workers, even former acquaintances, who re-connect through social media to re-kindle what has remained with both.

This is fairly common with many people, from what I have gathered, from conversations. Guys, who I knew when I was a teen ager on up into as recent as 2 years ago, have tracked me down, attempted to re-connect with me. It's complementary, it's surprising, usually quite delightful. I'll leave it at that!  :)

When the guys come back, they will say things such as:

* I missed the sound of your voice
* You made me feel like I was the only guy in the world for you
* Other girls never understood me like you did
* The positive way you look at life made an impact on me
* Always loved the scent of your hair & skin, never could forget

This is not to say that I'm the only girl who ever created these good memories for them or that I create this for everyone.
Unfortunately, I never ate butterflies or farted rainbows.

What I know, though, is that I have higher testosterone than most of my female peers. Higher "T" levels, means a higher sex drive. It causes me to move a certain way, to, maybe even be a bit of a coquette. Although I have not even had a romantic kiss from a guy nor anything more than a "just friends" hug, since, 2012, no sexual contact whatsoever, either. My outlet of excessive energy is poured into my workouts.
I work out ..........a lot!  *smile*

Still, I have had to rein in my coquettishness, my natural, playfulness. It seems to make other people uncomfortable when I don't tone it down. Just as some people have to sometimes learn to loosen up a bit, to learn to flirt a little. It worked in the opposite way, for me. I had to tone it down.

Sexuality has it's place.
Reining the sexuality in, has it's place.

Learning when to hold it, when to fold it is an acquired skill.

In the words of the immortal goddess ~

Hold a good thought for me!

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