Saturday, June 18, 2016

Chemistry & Connection!

Have you ever felt this?

Do you feel it now?

With anyone?

Danger there, bear!!!!

If you have ever felt the connection with another person, you will most likely identify with what I write here.
From the heart.
From the spirit.
For realz.

When 2 people truly connect, when there is chemistry, it's a connection that is never severed. My apologies, no poetry, today.
Maybe tomorrow or soon. I'm smiling!

If you have ever truly connected with someone, days can pass, weeks, months, even years. When you see that person again, the connection will feel as if you just saw them yesterday or a few hours ago.
Once you have experienced this connection, you will know exactly what is being referenced, here.
Being an intuitive girl, I have felt this connection many times with many different people. It's not all about sexual chemistry, yet, it can be.
Being 100% straight heterosexual, I have experienced this connection with female friends as well as males. A female friend who I was very close to in 10th grade, lost contact for 10 years. When we saw each other again, it was as if we had just saw each other yesterday.

Many people marvel at this level of connection.

Keep being surprised & delighted by it!

Surprise & delight are the cherry on top of the banana split!

For those of you who don't know what it feels like, here is what it feels like for me. It may be different for you.

It feels like ~

Surprises - good ones!
A quickening of the pulse when in the other ones presence
Delight at their life perspectives
Their flaws are perceived as charming quirks
Nearly every faux pas is forgivable
Time passes far too quickly when spent with them

It's almost like infatuation, yet, not quite. Friends who wish to stay in touch with me, demonstrate that quite clearly. These are the ones I stay in touch with. When someone demonstrates with their actions that they no longer wish to stay in contact, I leave them be.

When people truly care, they show it with their actions. Words are meaningless, without actions to back them up.
Like plastic fruit.
Oh, it looks pretty, yet has no real substance.

Connection can be felt with a favorite pet, parent to child, spirit to spirit, heart to heart. Age has zero bearing on connection. In my personal experience, there is zero bearing on the chemistry & connection factor. When it's there, it's there.

Having felt this delicious phenomenon, it has its' danger zone. When connection has been felt by both people, when one person departs, it leaves a blank space in the being of both people, permanently. This blank space can only be occupied or re-occupied by the person whose place it was or is. Hence, the colloquialisms ~ A special place in my heart. aka A hole in my heart for you. It's there, love.
Just my musings.
Bear with me. *smile*

From personal perspective, it seems to me, that this is why, when the 2 reconnect again, it's like they saw each other yesterday. Whether it was chronologically yesterday or many years. That blank space is there with the essence of the other, remaining, only to be filled by the certain person, by their own unique essence.

When the other comes back, their presence fills that essence, it feels warm, sweet, comforting, familiar, exciting.......even a tad dangerous!  :)

Another twist on this?

Going back to places of happy memories generate the same feelings.

I remember when I took my kiddos back to Michigan. The home I had lived in from 4 yrs of age to 18 had been sold. The buyers were renovating it, yet, the basic structure was the same.
I took my youngest daughter with me to the dirt road neighborhood where I had lived. To the home my siblings, parents and I had lived in. The doors were left unlocked, one was even standing opened. I knocked, no response.

Hmm, I could swear I heard my mom say, "Come IN!"  ;)

Taking my daughter in with me, I showed her what used to be the bedroom I had shared with my two sisters. The tiny eat-in kitchen where 8 - 12 people used to fit around a dinner table.
Somehow, the music in my cell phone was turned on. The song by Miranda Lambert ~ The House That Built Me
began to play. I smiled, misty eyed, let the song play as she and I walked, wading through my childhood with my sweet daughter.
That song still holds great feeling for me.

When you feel that connection, you will know.

Follow the connection with your heart, take your brain with you!!

Get out there & connect!!!!


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