Thursday, July 16, 2015


Love me some Thursday!

Ever since my lady-boss asked me to represent her insurance agency at the Thursday business luncheons, have started to love Thursdays. A different group of people in a stable, calm, yet, surprisingly fun environment. In this new career path I've found, in a new & growing business, it makes me feel as if I am, also, brand spank-me new & (yes) GROWING! Mentally, emotionally, that is!
Physically, I'm shrinking, getting stronger, more flexible, more toned. 

Thank you ~ that's what my body says after every workout, in its' own language, no! not body language, that would be so cliche'! The full body burn speaks to me, heart & mind! 
My body speaks Burn-ese! Hah!

So, with all the mental stimulation of learning new skills, increased social interaction, a lady-boss who appreciates me, yeah, life is good & getting better.

Now, I have to get myself geared & focused to pass my C&C exam to be licensed as an insurance agent by Aug 22. Then, start studying, again, for my Life Insurance exam, NLT December 1st. UGH!
Have to do it, have to do it!
Deliciously scary!

Got 2 hours of cardio in this morning, nothing in the Thursday luncheon is very healthy, yet, have to go & have to eat at least a little. BMI check up is coming up August 1. Have to be good. :)

Have yourself a great Thursday, peeps.

Love & Luck, y'all!

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