Saturday, July 18, 2015


Left home at 18 to serve in the USAF. First duty station was Hickam AFB, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
It all started one day when I was in the Hickam AFB main exchange. There was a guy who was a professional mannequin who was hired to provide a little diversion, maybe sell a few products for AAFES. He was standing on a podium, several people were gathered, seeming to try to figure out if this figure was a real person or a mannequin. Walking to the side, I joined the onlookers. The figure turned to face me, the small crowd reacted. He winked at me, made a surprised expression, then, relaxed into a neutral, more mannequin like expression. Edging to stand in front of him, I looked up (he was on a 6" podium almost like a Ken Doll on a stand). He spoke, "Come closer". wow. Taking a step closer, cautiously, he pointed, said, "LOOK!" I turned my head. He bent over at the waist, kissed me on the side of my face as I smiled. 

That was the moment the Hickam AFB, Base Newspaper photographer, snapped the pic that went on the front page of the Hickam AFB, base newspaper.

The 15th SPS Squadron commander was very unhappy about this.

It wasn't really such a big deal to me. An innocent peck on the cheek by an entertainer. Making the front page was also quite cool!

Wish I had a copy of that photo!

The base photog wanted to take more photos of me. I was too afraid after the wrath of the commander essentially ripping a new one for me.....again!

Another occasion was my campaign for queen of the Youth Festival at Hickam AFB. I was Queen of the 15th SPS, crowned at the public ceremony on stage, given a dozen white roses. The Base Commander was a member of the church I attended. When he handed the roses to me, he asked if it was okay to give me a hug & a kiss on the cheek. Here we go again!

The photographer snapped the photo at the moment he kissed me on the cheek. lol. The photo, again was on the front page of the Hickam AFB newspaper. OMGoodness! 
My commander was infuriated!
It really didn't seem to me, to be the big deal he made it out to be.

Again, the base photog approached me asking if he could have a photo sitting with me.
The Squadron Commander had already bitched me out twice, seemed like I had nothin' to lose! I said yes to his request on the condition that he gave me copies of the photos, copies of the contact sheets. I wanted it in writing! :)

That's how I began free lance modeling.

There was also the time on the beach on the north shore of O'a'hu.

There was a photo crew with photographers, several assistants to the photographers an 9 girls in bikinis. One of the photographers came running up the beach to me, telling me to get over there with the rest of the girls. I told him I was not one of them, yet, thanked him for the compliment.
He asked me if I would be willing to join them if they paid me. They needed 10 girls, they had 9, one of them was a no-show.

It was fun, I got some very cool photos from it, plus some cash!

Throughout the years, I went on various photo shoots for pay. It's very different from what it seems.
Such as:

~ Constant pressure to pose nude or semi nude
~ Photographers get very horny, there's that pressure, too. :(
~ The things photographers say to get the desired expression could 
    be classified as verbal abuse.
~ Gaining or losing 5 lbs can get a model refused for a shoot
~ Many activities in the modeling world are illegal
~ The emotional harm from being so objectified is not worth it

The last time I did a photo shoot was 2011. Have been asked a couple times, by a professional, to let them photograph just my eyes or just my legs. I turned them down. Best to move forward.

The photos below are two that the Hickam AFB Base Photographer snapped in our one and only photo session. One color, one black & white. There were over 300 photos taken that day. It was fun, he became horny. Nothing happened between he and I. He understood, was courteous.

That was my experience.

Sticking to it, lol.


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