Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Lion

In the Serengeti there are many lions living as lions do. In prides of lionesses and the revered male lions.

One particular lion cub had been separated off from the pride with his mother. Predators saw a lioness, weak from giving birth, killed her, dragged her away. Curiously, a gazelle cow saw the lion cub, alone, helpless. She had recently birthed a calf that had died immediately after birth. The gazelle rescued the lion cub, brought him back to her herd, suckled him with her milk. He grew with the gazelles. Always knew he was different, yet, this was his family. When a predator preyed upon his herd he ran with the herd in terror as he had learned to do, then mourned those who were no longer with the herd. He ate the grass, drank at the water hole, slept with his family. 
The feelings of being different only grew stronger with time.

One night, the herd were sleeping when a pack of hyenas came to attack the herd for a night time meal. Usually, the herd would get up and RUN! Sheer terror propelled them.
Now, three of the hyenas were closing in on his mother. Acting purely on instinct, the lion, now, full grown, ran up to the hyenas and to every ones surprise, especially his own, let loose with a thundering roar! The hyenas scattered, never returned.

It was his first roar, after that, he was forever changed.

Many people live in circumstances where they are capable of so much more than what they live with around them.

After your first ROAR, you will never be the same again. After stepping out of an environment that holds you back, into one where you see your full potential, you will feel so empowered. Your roar will change you.

Go ahead!


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