Saturday, June 22, 2019


Dear readers, 

Do you ever feel as though people around you doubt you as well as your abilities? 
People enjoy being judged as incapable. Yeah, right! 
Do the life choices you make, as long as no pricks or beyotches get in the way, the outcome of your efforts generally produce success.
Dontcha love it when people have very little faith in you? Your abilities, your judgment, your very worth?
Dang, it sux when someone has faith in me & my capabilities! NOT!
I'm still young, I know, yet, I have done many things many people either would not even try or would be chicken shizz to finish.

I'm a DIY girl.

It started when I was only 2 years of age, taught myself to tie my own shoes. Thus began my love for suh-weet footwear.

Not long after that, wanting pierced ears so I could put a little bling in my ears, my mother gave me an impossible task to accomplish to earn an "ear piercing."
I had to keep my bedroom clean for 2 months. She was using a very skanky method. Setting me up to fail.
Mm Hm.
I shared a bedroom with my older and younger sisters.

F that noise.

One evening, I gathered some supplies that some of the girls I went to school with, told me I would need. I was going to do it.
All by myself!

I had "procured" some earrings for pierced ears. I was a bit hesitant, yet, my determination was stronger than my fear. I went into the bathroom, locked the door.
It took me about 15 minutes.

When I came out of the bathroom wearing my very first earrings, I was proud! I was also a bit afraid if daddy would unleash a full can of whoop-ass on me for piercing my own ears. 
If teaching myself to tie my own shoes didn't clue my parents in, this, I'm just guessing, did it!

My mother took me a bit more serious after that. Just a little more.

That's alright, mama, I had plenty more up my sleeves!

In present day, I'm still quite the adventuress. Lots more tricks!

There is still so much more to explore, so much more to do. Adventures which have always been around as well as many new ways of doing things. Some improvements upon prior methods, some things which are totally new. 
Newly discovered! ~ Yes, please!

Maybe I was a DIY girl before people knew what a DIY even was!

Many things I had to teach myself was to change the oil on my car. Fix a flat tire on my car. Cook, as in, cook really good! Perfect the languages I learned how to speak. Traveling Europe & Central America was much easier because I spoke the languages fluently.

Aside from that, I taught myself some very intricate needlework stitches. Walking through the villages in Germany, I saw Hardanger embroidery everywhere! I had already taught myself some basic stitches, how hard could it be?
It's not so much that it was hard.
The problem, if you will, was ME!

I was so intimidated, it held me back.

Finally, the 2 choices I had were:

1. Do a home invasion & make off with the curtains! Ha ha!
(German prisons held little to no appeal, if I were sent!)
2. Put on my big girl panties & teach myself.

Option #2 was a better choice. Ya think?

One evening with everyone in the house either asleep or gone, I sat on my bed to teach myself. It took some time. Around 5 hours.

Finally ~ I had it!!!!!!!

The resulting needlework piece is a beauty to behold. A symbol of perseverance. The trophy of many trophies in my DIY life.

With this preface to say, I am, a DIY girl who can DIM.

Sometimes with calculated risk, sometimes blind faith, more success than failures, tyvm.

Alas, there are still many people who are unsupportive of that which I plan to do.
The solution?
Stop telling people my plan. Be more like Nike, just do it!

Something I have learned is that when others nay-say to others that something cannot or should not be done (within reason), they are broadcasting that they, themselves are too timid to try.

Life favors the brave, the bold!

Take your chances, calculated risks. 

It's good to truly LIVE!

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