Monday, June 24, 2019

The danger of being sincere


  1. free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.
    "they offer their sincere thanks to Paul"
    synonyms:heartfelt, wholehearted, profound, deep, from the heart; More
    • (of a person) saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical.

Where is the danger?
What is the danger?
Who would pose a threat?

The danger in being sincere is an increasingly fake world is so obvious yet overlooked. If you are a pro-active person (Heyyy!) seeing these fallacies, you might have the uncontrollable urge to take action.
How do I know this?
I feel the urge to take action all the time. People can only be who they are.
I'm a sincere person. I love deeply, unconditionally. Danger.
Romance scammers hunt for people like me, playing upon a kind heart that has no expectation, no malice.
Predatory people will happily prey upon people like me. Predators will extract whatever suits their fancy.
Work for no pay

Until, that is, people like me learn a good lesson early on in life. Some people never learn. This is very sad. I'm most grateful for those predators that facilitated me, early on, learning to hold back.

What is the danger?
The danger lies in being hurt, disappointed, having your heart shattered so many times that it makes a person bitter, cynical, a bit mean. Online trolls are a blaring example. Granted, some of the trolls are simply jerks by nature.
Some may be someone who loved so much, someone who was hurt so many times, didn't learn the lesson. Becoming bitter, angry, sad trolls whose hatred spills out into the cess pools online.
They were in distress with no hope of recovery.

Hence, having not learned to recognize the danger or self protect, the tender heart transformed, with their consent, into a troll.

Who would pose a threat?


The internet is a double edged sword. Flowers can be ordered with 3 clicks!
Vacations can be planned roughly within the space of 60 minutes or less!
People can reconnect, renew friendships from the past.
(You probably know what's coming up next!)
On the flip side.
Married people can troll the internet looking for sex. In most online dating sites, roughly 75% of those people are either legally married or they are in what they loosely term as a "relationship."
There are also romance scammers, looking for their next victim. They use stolen photos, deceitful words, false pretense.
These scammers are sometimes even a past romantic flame who comes back to find then reconnect for the purpose of relieving the boredom in their lives.
The scammer will devote the time, the money, preying upon someone who truly believes that because they knew the scammer before, that the intent is sincere. Mm Hmm.
The scammer will use their victim until they become bored or until their significant other catches on. Then, they ghost. 

The danger in being a sincere person is very real.

There is hope.

Gratitude for having learned a valuable lesson, I learned to back away, then re-charge. Re-charge by indulging in sweaty workouts. Long meditation sessions.
A day trip or a longer trip when it's feasible.
Then, there's my guilty pleasure! Needlework! Intricate, very detailed, beautiful, soul comforting needlework!
Volunteering. There is so much need for volunteers, losing the self in helping a non-predatory person or even puppies & kitties!

The triumph is in defiance of the odds at remaining sincere in spite of all that is fake in the world.

Additional triumph is in remaining positive, finding the simplicity in the silver lining in everything. It's there when it's sought out.

Against the odds of that which has happened in my life I will remain defiantly sincere, positive & happy. 

Choosing happiness!

Try it, you just might like it. Do it again. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

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